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Financial transfers Introduction: Name What a Financial Transfer is

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1 Financial transfers Introduction: Name What a Financial Transfer is
Presentation is a refresher of FTR requirements

2 Journal entry submissions
All Submissions of a Financial Transfer Request should include: A completed FTR form in excel format Appropriate back up documentation Approval from a user with Fiscal Authority Request Code (FTR, BUR, CB, SA etc.) at the beginning of subject line of the A Financial Transfer is moving an expense(s) to a different chart-string. i.e. if a charge hit the wrong department and you need to correct it, that is when you would submit a Financial Transfer Request. -Fiscal Authority; check People Soft = Delegation Inquiry. Can Search Fiscal Authority for corresponding Fund, Department and Project. -When sending in s to it helps if in the subject line you indicate if it’s a Financial Transfer, Billing Request, Chargeback, Salary Adjustment etc.

3 Back up documentation Back up documentation is required when submitting a financial transfer A Data Warehouse Report is the preferred and most common form of back up, any other form of back up must be cleared with Accounting *Important to indicate if it is a partial transfer.* The Data Warehouse back up will help confirm the chart-string, and verify debit or credit

4 Journal lines & Description
Journal Description should include a detailed description that encompasses the entire JE Line Description should include a concise description that is related to that specific transaction Having specific/detailed Journal Desriptions & Line Descriptions can help identify certain charges or clarify what was moved, i.e. reversal, charged to wrong dept. or can clarify where its being moved to ( expand upon a simple description such trx fr 1041 to 1022 to Transfer from 1041 to Staples expenses coded to wrong department originally.) it also can help with reconciliation's. Keep in mind that the line field can only contain 30 characters or less, it’s all the system allows, if a Financial Transfer is submitted with more than 30, I have to abbreviate or edit down as much as I can. To ensure your JE description is what you need it to be make sure its within the character limit.

5 54401 fund Fund is used when moving an expense from fund to an auxiliary project. 54401 triggers automatic billing process which generates an invoice at the end of the corresponding fiscal period. Project  Program The fund is the fund that triggers automatic billing. This can only be used if we’re moving an expense from the fund over to an auxiliary project. We replace (refer to power point) in this case the fund with 54401, and shift the project number to the program field. This will trigger the automatic billing process that generates an invoice at the end of the corresponding fiscal period. The fund is the only fund capable of using automatic billing process. Any other transfers from state to auxiliary will need to go through Billing (i.e when transferring auxiliary funds to a 496 campus funds)

6 Questions? Please Karen Jara x4717

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