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Food, Nutrition, and Health
Chapter 1 Food, Nutrition, and Health
Chapter 1 Lesson 1.1 Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Concepts Optimal personal and community nutrition is a major component of health promotion. Certain nutrients in food are essential to our health and well-being. Explain the relationship between nutrition and nursing care by highlighting the healing process and preventive care. Why is it important for health care professionals to exemplify optimal nutrition both in regard to themselves and their clients? Besides carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, what other nutrients are essential for health? Discuss the term “homeostasis” as it relates to intake of food versus output of energy. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nutrition and Dietetics
The sum of the processes involved in taking in nutrients and assimilating and using them Food people eat and how the body uses it Nutrition science Scientific knowledge on human food requirements How do the terms nutrition science and dietetics differ? Explain the difference between the USDA and FDA regarding how they shape American eating patterns. Ask students to name some recent nutrition discoveries or topics in the news pertaining to nutrition. Is the high-protein, low-carbohydrate trend backed by scientific knowledge? Discuss the scientific process with the students and how scientists build on previous research to discover new findings. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nutrition and Dietetics, cont’d
Registered Dietitian (RD) Nutrition authority on the health care team Other terminology Clinical nutrition specialist or public health nutritionist Check to make sure RD credentialed Dietetics Field that applies nutrition science to human health and assists in disease management What type of education and training does an RD receive? Explain how nurses and RDs work together in a hospital or clinic setting. What resources can an RD provide to assist with a nursing plan of care? Theorize with the students how surgery, infection, and different developmental stages affect nutritional requirements. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Health and Wellness Proper nutrition is essential to good health
Health includes meeting basic human needs Wellness seeks the full development of health potential for all persons Ask students to identify uses of food other than to satisfy hunger. Explain the process of changing nutritional requirements over a person’s life span. If a person is malnourished, how does that affect his or her functioning? Highlight the integral role nutrition plays in a patient’s plan of care and recovery. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Wellness Movement and National Health Goals
Response to medical care system’s focus on illness and disease Response to rising health costs Focus on lifestyle and personal choices How does the wellness approach differ from the traditional medical model of health care? Give an example of how decreased health costs result from preventive care. Healthy weight decreases risks for chronic diseases. Give an example of a disease process directly related to nutritional status. Iron-deficiency anemia or osteoporosis If disease is a result of various factors, how can lifestyle changes affect overall health and wellness? Ask students to name lifestyle choices that promote nutritional health. Ask students to name lifestyle choices that reduce nutritional health. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Traditional and Preventive Approaches to Health
Attempts change only when illness or disease already exists Little value for lifelong positive health Preventive Identify risk factors Allows people to choose behaviors to minimize risk of disease What are risk factors for cardiovascular disease? For diabetes? Cancer? What support organizations promote nutritional wellness? Compare the traditional and preventive models of health care. What contributed to the shift in focus? Why does involving personal choice and preferences support a healthy lifestyle? Emphasize that the benefits of living well today are seen over time, just as the detriments of not living well today are seen over time. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Signs of Proper Nutrition
Well-developed body Ideal weight for body composition Adequate muscle development Smooth skin, glossy hair, clear and bright eyes Mental and physical alertness Ability to resist disease Increased life span Calculate a theoretical ideal body weight of a male and female. Why does poor nutrition affect immune function? Using these seven signs of proper nutrition, discuss signs of malnutrition. Why is nutrition essential during prenatal development? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nutrients in Food Provide energy Build tissue
Regulate metabolic processes Individual nutrients with specific metabolic functions No nutrient ever works alone Explain blood glucose and its role as the body’s main energy source. What is metabolism? How does metabolism affect body weight? Provide an example of nutrients that work together. Iron and vitamin C, fat-soluble vitamins and fats What are examples of diseases that result from a mineral or other nutrient deficiency? Nutrient excess? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Energy Sources Carbohydrates
Primary source of fuel for heat and energy Maintain body’s back-up store of quick energy Should provide 45% to 65% of total kilocalories Calculate the number of carbohydrate grams needed for a 2000-calorie diet. Give examples of simple and complex carbohydrates. What is the pathophysiology of diabetes, and how does it relate to carbohydrates? What food sources of carbohydrates should be limited in the diet? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Energy Sources, cont’d Fats Animal and plant sources
Secondary (storage) form of heat and energy Should provide no more than 20% to 35% of total kilocalories List plant and animal sources of fats. Explain the importance of fat as an energy source. What are risks associated with a high-fat diet? Explain that men and women usually store fat in different parts of the body; have the students determine where these sites are located. Men: abdomen; Women: hips Mosby items and derived items © 2006 by Mosby, Inc. Slide 12 Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Energy Sources, cont’d Proteins Primary function is tissue building
Should provide 10% to 35% of total kilocalories Source of energy when supply from carbohydrates and fats is insufficient What are proteins composed of? Amino acids What are examples of foods high in protein? Describe a diet that would have adequate amounts of protein without including animal protein. What is collagen and where is it found? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tissue Building Proteins Vitamins and minerals Provide amino acids
Necessary for building and repairing tissues Vitamins and minerals Vitamin C for tissue building Calcium and phosphorus Building and maintaining bone List foods high in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Explain that the bones act as a reservoir for calcium; when calcium levels drop in the blood, calcium is taken from the bones and must be replenished by dietary intake. What disease results from a vitamin C deficiency? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tissue Building, cont’d
Iron Essential part of hemoglobin in the blood Fatty acids Build central fat substance of cell walls What conditions are related to too little iron? Give examples of groups that are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. How does calcium relate to osteoporosis? Explain why fat is important for infant brain development. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Regulation and Control
Vitamins Function as coenzyme factors Components of cell enzymes in governing a chemical reaction during cell metabolism Minerals Also serve as coenzyme factors Explain how vitamins and minerals complete an enzyme (or activate it) so it can then carry out its function. Which do students think are more susceptible to degradation or destruction: vitamins or minerals? Vitamins Why are supplements prescribed during pregnancy and lactation? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Regulation and Control, cont’d
Other nutrients Water Essential base for all metabolic processes Fiber Regulates passage of food material through gastrointestinal tract Explain that more than 60% of the human body is composed of water and how water is lost in urine, feces, sweat, and expiration. What are high-fiber foods? What is the relationship between colon cancer and a low-fiber diet? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Types of Nutrition Health
Optimal nutrition Obtained from a varied diet Desired amounts should be balanced Undernutrition Less than desired amounts of nutrients Limits work capacity, immune system, mental activity How can health professionals promote variety and moderation? What federal programs address undernutrition? WIC, EFNEP (Coop Extension), Head Start What local programs address this issue? Food banks, homeless shelters What effect does undernutrition have on children? Older adults? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Types of Nutrition Health, cont’d
Malnutrition Reserves depleted Nutrient and energy intake insufficient Overnutrition Excess nutrient and energy intake over time Produces harmful gross body weight Excessive amounts of nutrient supplements over time Why is overnutrition considered a form of malnutrition? Discuss the idea of “if some is good, more is better” and how moderation relates to this. What diseases are related to overnutrition? Discuss some of the social developments that lead to overnutrition. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Lesson 1.2 Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 20
Key Concepts Food and nutrient guides help us to plan a balanced diet according to individual needs and goals. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
Published by the National Academy of Sciences Updated every 5 to 10 years Includes recommendations for each gender and age group Why are recommendations separated among gender and age group? Explain the role of the National Academy of Sciences and who actually convenes to determine the DRIs. What are other similar organizations throughout the world? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 22
DRIs, cont’d Encompass four interconnected categories of nutrient recommendations Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) Adequate Intake (AI) Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) Explain that these four categories are under the umbrella of DRIs, drawing a diagram if necessary. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
DRIs, cont’d Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Daily intake of nutrients that meet needs of almost all healthy individuals Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) Intake level that meets needs of half the individuals in a specific group How do DRIs and RDAs relate to one another? What is the EAR used for? Draw a graph of a bell curve to illustrate both the RDA and EAR. At what point in our history did RDAs begin to be developed? Why? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
DRIs, cont’d Adequate intake (AI) Tolerable upper intake level (UL)
Used when not enough evidence to establish the RDA Tolerable upper intake level (UL) Sets maximal intake unlikely to pose adverse health risks Emphasize the difference between the RDA and AI. Discuss how the UL refers to total daily intake from food, fortified food, and nutrient supplements. Why would adequate intake measurements be used instead of RDAs? How do these goals assist in providing patient care? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
MyPyramid Food guidance system
Valuable nutrition education tool for the public Goal is to promote physical activity, variety, proportionality, moderation, and gradual improvements Can MyPyramid be taught to children? Why is a pyramid used? Ask students to list a sample diet that reflects the recommendations in the pyramid. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
MyPyramid, cont’d Point out the differences between this pyramid and the older version and explain why the changes were made. What two colors of vegetables does MyPyramid encourage? Each of the five food groups has a corresponding statement attached to it; read these to the class. What does the yellow section represent? Figure Information: MyPyramid food guidance system mini-poster. From U.S. Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion: MyPyramid mini-poster, Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005
Result of growing public concerns in the 1960s Based on chronic health problems of an aging population Relate current scientific thinking to America’s health problems How does environment affect food choices and physical activity levels? Explain the change that occurred in many households across the United States in the 1950s and 1960s that led to a change in food patterns. Talk about the process of collecting scientific research to form a guideline. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, cont’d
Nine focus areas Adequate nutrients within calorie needs Weight management Physical activity Food groups Fats Carbohydrates Sodium and potassium Alcoholic beverages Food safety What does “adequate nutrients within calorie needs” mean? Make a list of activities a person can do while watching television. Talk about food safety issues, including cross-contamination, internal temperatures of meat, and microorganisms present in raw foods. How can flavors and aromas be enhanced without adding salt? Explain fetal alcohol syndrome and why it is unsafe to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, cont’d
Updated statement released every 5 years Reflect current DRIs Include 18 specific population recommendations Explain to the students that each of the nine areas has specific guidelines and give some examples. What do the students think a guideline would be under the “fats” focus area from what they have learned previously in class? Talk about the differences in the physical activity guidelines concerning time, frequency, and intensity. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Changing Food Environment
Heightened reliance on fast, processed, or pre-packaged foods Surveys indicate malnutrition in U.S., however: Fast food restaurants are offering lower-fat, health-conscious alternatives Chain restaurants are developing new menu items Shoppers are using FDA’s nutrition labeling How often do the students eat fast, processed, or pre-packaged foods per week? Explain why Americans suffer from malnutrition with such an abundant food supply. Give some examples of fast food restaurants that have health-conscious alternatives: McDonald’s, Arby’s, Chili’s If the students look at nutrition labels, what do they look for first? Explain that the food label can be deceiving if the portion size is not considered. E.g. often bottled beverages are 2 servings or more, ice cream is labeled to be served in ½ cup portions, 2-3 snack cookies equal a serving. Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Summary Proper food and key nutrients are essential to life and health
Registered Dietitian is the nutrition expert Proper nutrition requires carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water Established nutrient and food guides for health promotion How are the students going to promote what was learned in chapter 1 to their patients? What are the most important things to consider when talking with a patient about nutrition? Copyright © 2009, by Mosby, Inc. an affiliate of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
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