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Group 3 Day 2.

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1 Group 3 Day 2

2 Group 3 - Countries Armenia Bulgaria Belarus Moldova Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Russian Federation Uzbekistan Ukraine

3 I. Summary of Discussions
Citizen motivation Conduct citizen motivation surveys; Enhance budget literacy; Publish Citizens’ Budgets (infographics); Ensure citizen engagement in budget allocation and publish the results of citizen engagement; Raise household income.

4 Summary of Discussions
Government motivation Political will; Generation of ideas; Identify shortcomings and improve public services; Build public trust (political capital).

5 How to strengthen motivation?
Publish Citizens’ Budgets, conduct workshops, webinars; Conduct public polls; Establish public councils; Adopt a law on public councils; Publish regulatory acts governing socio-economic issues; Matching grants; Engage deputies (MPs), NGOs and the media;

6 II. Are there any IT applications in your country that facilitate and support public participation in the budget process and what are they? All countries have government, parliament and MOF portals Social networks (Instagram, Facebook) Best practice: Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz republic (matching grants)

7 Conclusion: Motivation should be fostered at the municipal level. Ensure feedback. Site visits to engage with the public on the ground. Engage all government levels.

8 It is the government that should serve the people – not the other way around!

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