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Miss Lynch’s Classroom Newsletter January 22, 2017 Classroom News

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1 Miss Lynch’s Classroom Newsletter January 22, 2017 Classroom News
Dates to Remember: representing our class) 1/29/17 – Character Ed. Assembly on Citizenship (Shelby and Bria will be recognized) 1/30- Book orders due 1/31- Book it calendars due. 2/1- POP night at 6:00 in the cafeteria 2/2- 3rd nine weeks progress reports will go out. 2/14- Miss Lynch and Snoopy’s Sundae Valentine bash. Classroom News Hello All, Hope everyone had a restful weekend! Congratulations to Shelby and Bria being recognized as our kids with character for citizenship today at the character assembly. Be on the lookout for info coming home about our Valentine’s day party. We are going all out and it is going to be so fun! We are going to be having an icecream sundae party! I will be asking many of you to help supply our ingredients! There will also be info on how we are going to go about actual valentines. Book-its for January are due at the end of this week. I know that we have been out of school a lot this month and it has been hard to stay in a routine, so I will give grace if I see the kids have been reading most d days! Thanks! -Miss Lynch Ms. Cassie Lynch address: Alpena Elementary Website: South Denver Street Phone Number:

2 Spelling Words What We’re Learning This Week
Reading: Good readers know how to compare and contrast pieces of information in a piece of nonfiction text. Writing: Finishing biographies on historical figures Math: Students will work with measurement tools and learn to determine which unit is best to measure something. Science: How can a tree travel half way across around the world? Challenge Problem! If your child can come up with the correct answer, show their work, and bring it back signed they will get a behavior buck! Solve the word problem and show your work Miss Lynch had saved up $35.77 for a shopping trip. She spent $15.12 on a throw pillow for her new house. She then bought a new bone for her dog Jasper for $5.15. Lastly, she got her favorite Chic-Fil-A chicken nuggets and fries for $7.62. Did she have enough money or did she have to go to the ATM to get more? Lunch Menu Monday: Hot dog Tuesday: Pancakes Wednesday: Breaded Pork Fritter Thursday: Cheeseburger Maccaroni Friday: Pepperoni Pizza

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