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Wanjun Guo Department of Psychiatry

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1 Wanjun Guo Department of Psychiatry
Stress and Coping Wanjun Guo Department of Psychiatry 应激、恐惧与疾病

2 What Is “Stress”? What are “stress” in our daily life?
physical response and G.A.S 2018/12/7

3 Three meanings of stress:
1. Stressor: .events be appraise as harmful, obstacles to achieving goals, violating expectations about the world;dangerous and aversive rather than safe or desirable 2. Reaction: fight or flight; 3. Relationship: bottom-up, top-down, feedback loop 2018/12/7

4 Psycho-physiological stress response

5 General Adaptation Syndrome(GAS)
Selye H ( )

6 1. Alarm stage: preparation for and beginning of fight or flight
Physical recreation to “stress” __Three stages of General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Stressors 1. Alarm stage: preparation for and beginning of fight or flight Continuity Or/And Severity 2. Resistance: strengthening of fight or flight 3. Exhaustion: Failure of resistance and burning out. For instance, immune system dysfunction, psychosomatic diseases or/and mental disorders 2018/12/7

7 Alarm Stage: Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic Stressor
Parasympathetic Stressor Endocrine system: Epinephrine, Sugar and fat Breath Heart rate Blood pressure Digestion Sweat and salivation Stomach, bowel and bladder muscles pain Immune system 2018/12/7

8 The organ mobilize to cope with the stressor begin to tire over time.
Resistance: The organ mobilize to cope with the stressor begin to tire over time. 2018/12/7

9 Exhaustion: The stress prolonged Failure of resistance
Physical hurt psychosomatic disease: diabetes, ulcer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, headache etc. Even death 2018/12/7

10 Factors Influencing Stress Response
Stressor: Physical, psychological, socio-cultural Perception: personality Congnitive assessment Coping style Social Support Response: Physio-psycho-behavioural Health-illness 2018/12/7

11 Mediators of the Stress Response
“perceptual filter” “Without stress, there would be no life” “It’s not stress that kill us , it is our reaction to it” ---Hans Selye 2018/12/7

12 Factor influencing stress perception
Genetic and Epigenetic Personality and Cognition Culture Social support … 2018/12/7



15 Stress and Illness the relation between stress and illness: not linear
personality and heart disease: type A behavior pattern Holmes and Rahe and life change unit (LCU) 2018/12/7

16 “Physiological state is Interpreted,
Labeling of an emotion “Physiological state is Interpreted, based on past experiences within a certain context” 2018/12/7

17 How to cope with the stress:
The approach of stress management : Daily life Clinic 2018/12/7

18 Behavioral Strategies:
1) Relaxation training 2) Exercise 3) Proper nutrition 4) Guided imagery or creative visualization techniques 5) Hypnosis 6) Biofeedback training 7) Recreation 2018/12/7

19 Two primary sources of stress reduction:
Modification of one’s perceptions Social support 2018/12/7

20 Exposure Therapy What is the exposure therapy?
What is the exposure therapy used for? A behavior technique used for reducing fears and its related avoidant behavior. 2018/12/7

21 “Plan B” ---- Flooding “Plan A” ---- Systematic Desensitization

22 Summary and Key Concepts
What is “stress” Physical reaction: Mediator of stress reponse: How to Cope with stress: daily way and clinic way Behavior strategies: relax training, exercise, proper nutrition, visualization/imagery techniques, hypnosis, Biofeedback training, recreation. 2018/12/7

23 Thanks

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