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1 BELL WORK Week 7

2 Management Monday Fill out your agenda for the week.

3 Book Talk Tuesday Preview the Book Fair Middle School Book Fair

4 MUG Shot Wednesday Number your paper from 1-5. Replace each underlined noun to a pronoun. Write only the pronoun. In ancient times, the idea of friendship was foreign to many people. (1) Many people didn’t even have a word for “friend.” In Old English, though, the word friend did exist. (2) The word friend first appeared in English in A.D Most ancient people lived in close communities. (3) Most ancient people had little contact with outsiders. These people did have a word for “stranger.” (4) The word for “stranger” meant “enemy. Today, we meet “strangers” all the time. Are these strangers enemies? Most of (5) these strangers are not. In fact, many strangers will become our friends. Answers: they, it, they, it, them

5 Think It Through Thursday
(Setting 1800s) It was the way his father had taught him. James Miller turned the handle on the device and watched the stone do its magic. Dry pieces of wheat became fine powder. One has to have the right hand for grinding flour. He did. It was a family business that saved the average person hours worth of daily work. It was grinding wheat into flour that made him rich. James watched the men lay each brick on the grist mill down the road. He did not want to admit it to himself, but it was a work of marvel. They were building machines that could do the work of ten men in less than half the time. James could take it no more. He closed the piece of cloth above the window and continued to work. My way is the best, James said to himself. 1. What is the main idea of the text? How does the main character respond to the grist mill?. A. It is difficult to turn wheat into flour A. He is excited about it. B. Making flour is the family tradition B. He strongly dislikes it C. James is upset about the changes happening in his town C. He feels neutral about it Answers: C 2. B

6 Free Write Friday If you were limited to 12 words/phrases to say during the day, which ones would you pick? How would that change your day to day life?

7 One of the big problems of bullying is that bullies will make fun of every way that you are different from “normal” people. List five reasons why it’s awesome to be different, so that the next time someone makes fun of you, it’s a compliment and not an insult.

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