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Civil War Battles and Events

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1 Civil War Battles and Events

2 Fort Sumter April 12-14, 1861 Fort Sumter was a Union Fort in Charleston, SC Confederate Army opened fire for 34 hours Fort was surrendered on April 13 First fight of Civil War- although no soldiers killed After this, 4 southern states (Virginia, N. Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas) will secede from the Union and join the Confederacy

3 1st Bull Run First Major Battle of Civil War July 1861
Fought in Virginia- just miles from Washington, DC (Union capital) Confederate victory Force the Union army to flee and rethink their battle plans

4 Anaconda Plan Union will adopt this plan after 1st Bull Run 3 parts
Block South to cut off supplies Invade through Pennsylvania and Virginia Invade and control the Mississippi River

5 Anaconda Plan

6 Antietam September 16-18, 1862 Fought in Northern Virginia and Maryland Confederate General- Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee Union General- McClellan Considered a Union victory- even though technically fought to a draw Shortly after Lincoln will issue the Emancipation Proclamation- he was waiting for a major Union Victory

7 Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 Fought in Pennsylvania
Confederate General- Robert E Lee Union General- George Meade Bloodiest Battle of the Civil War (over 55,000 deaths) Union victory- turning point of the war Afterwards Lincoln will deliver his famous Gettysburg Address


9 Vicksburg May 18-July 4, 1863 Fought in Mississippi
Confederate General- John Pemberton Union General- Ulysses Grant Union victory Union will gain control of the Mississippi River Major impact on southern trade and ability to get supplies

10 Sherman’s March to the Sea
November 15 to December 21, 1864 Union General- William Tecumseh Sherman Start in Atlanta, Georgia- capture and burn most of the city March from Atlanta to Savannah burning and destroying everything in his path Impact- show weakness of the Confederacy (unable to defend themselves due to shortness of supplies and lack of military)


12 Major Events Lincoln Elected as President in 1860
Immediate cause of Civil War- lead to SC and other states to secede First Income Tax Used in North North will collect taxes to pay for the war Suspend Writ of Habeas Corpus Lincoln will suspend this during war Writ of Habeas Corpus is a person’s right to know why they are being arrested Appomattox Court House Final surrender- South and General Lee surrender to the North and General Grant

13 Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by Lincoln after the Union victory at Antietam Freed any slave in Union territory DID NOT free slaves in the Confederacy Most importantly Turned the Civil War into a Moral War to end slavery Prevent Britain from entering and supporting the South

14 Gettysburg Address Given after Union victory at Gettysburg
Given to honor fallen soldiers and remind people that the main reason for fighting the war was to reunited the country

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