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Annual Report to Secretaries

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1 Annual Report to Secretaries
FY16 & 17 Overview Brian Allen, PE ATTWG – March 21, 2018

2 Annual Report to Secretaries
Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) mandated annual collection of TTP project and activity data, including jobs created and retained (23 U.S.C. § 201(c)(6)(C). FHWA and BIA developed the Program Online Reporting Tool (PORT) to help collect the data. PORT is built around approved tribal transportation TIPs – data already provided by Tribes. A complete annual report consists of a financial report, a non-construction activities report, and a project report for each active project. Reporting Period is Fiscal Year (October 1 to September 30). Reporting Submittal Period is 90 days (December 31). An active project is a design and/or construction project that had expenditures during the reporting period.

3 Complete Annual Report – 3 Reports
Financial Report FY TTP Funds Available FY TTP Fund Expended Non-Construction Activities Safety, Transit, Administration, Maintenance, and Planning (STAMP) Associated Activity Descriptions and TTP Expenditures Jobs Retained and Jobs Created Project Reports Project Description, Status, FY All Funds Expended, FY TTP Funds Expended, Anticipated Total Project Cost 3 Non-construction also includes catch-all “other non-construction activities” if there’s an activity not covered by STAMP. Jobs question includes non-construction and construction activities and projects.

4 Program Online Reporting Tool
FHWA TIP Database BIA CSTIP PORT The most recent surface transportation legislation, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, more commonly known as the FAST Act, mandated annual collection of TTP project and activity data, including jobs created and retained. (23 U.S.C. § 201(c)(6)(C)) The Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Indian Affairs have worked to develop a Tribal Transportation Program Online Reporting Tool, referred to by its acronym PORT throughout this presentation. The agencies are working to use existing data to streamline the data collection process using existing information, attempting to limit redundancy for Tribes. PORT, the Program Online Reporting Tool, uses existing Tribal TIP data received by the agencies to feed the PORT so we make the best use of the data you’ve already provided and tailor the report accordingly. PORT data collected will be used primarily for national reports that satisfy the reporting requirements to the Secretaries Tribe-by-Tribe & National Reports

5 Reporting Keychain Required: Financial Report and
Non-Construction Activity Report As touched on earlier, the reporting keychain is a document containing links to the reports within PORT. As stated earlier, Financial Report and Non-Construction Activity Report are required and so will appear on every keychain. Contact your agency point of contact if these are not shown on your reporting keychain. The number of projects on a Tribal TIP determine the number of project report links that will appear on the reporting keychain. Project reports only need to be completed for projects that have started and been active in project development and/or construction during the reporting period. Three additional links are provided to report on a project that wasn’t listed on the reporting keychain. If TTP-funded activity occurred on a project not listed on the reporting keychain, please utilize these links to report on the project activity. Now we’re going to walk through a reporting keychain, starting with a non-construction activity report, then a project report, and ending on a financial report for BIA and then FHWA. Projects from the TIP 5 additional links for projects, just in case.

6 PORT Overview Guide
A PORT Overview Guide has been developed to help familiarize you with PORT and clarify the information you’re asked to report on. The guide has screen captures of every question in the reporting system with clarifying comments added in blue text. The Overview Guide is available on FHWA’s TTP website at the address shown. Much effort has been made to make questions within the reports clear and concise. We’ll cover a few elements here that we’d like to draw to draw attention to.

7 PORT Data Collection Progress
FY16 Response Rate as of DEC 31: 53% Response Rate as of FEB 3: 98% FY17 Response Rate as of DEC 31: 88% Response Rate as of FEB 1: 99% (only 1 Tribe not started and 5 incomplete)

8 FY 16 & FY17- at a glance Fiscal Year 2016 2017
Safety (non-construction) $1.16 M $2.08 M Transit (non-construction) $6.29 M $7.58 M Administration $23.78 M $38.8 M Maintenance $34.73 M $47.26 M Planning $10.99 M $14.89 M Other Non-Construction $1.75 M $3.66 M Active Design/Construction Projects $ M $183.9 M Total $ M $ M Note the STAMP activities are all non-construction, emphasis added for safety and transit here.

9 Category Amounts expended by reporting Tribes (millions)
Active Projects (Design/Construction) $ M (NOT BASED ON PROJECT REPORT TOTALS. based off of Tribes’ total reported expenditures less the non-construction activities) Safety $1.16 M (* to note non-construction only, does not include safety construction projects) Transit $6.29 M (* to note non-construction only, does not include transit construction projects) Administration $23.78 M Maintenance $34.73 M Planning $10.99 M Other Non-Construction $1.75 M

10 Category Amounts expended by reporting Tribes (millions)
Active Projects (Design/Construction) $183.9 (NOT BASED ON PROJECT REPORT TOTALS. based off of Tribes’ total reported expenditures less the non-construction activities) Safety $2.08 M (* to note non-construction only, does not include transit construction projects) Transit $7.58 M (* to note non-construction only, does not include transit construction projects) Administration $38.8 M Maintenance $47.26 M Planning $14.89 M Other Non-Construction $3.66 M

11 FY16 TTP Funds (all sources (TTP, TTPSF, TTPBP))
Tribes $410,493,951 available $267,468,456 expended FHWA (PM&O) $3,585,027 available $3,320,583 expended BIA (PM&O) $20,930,254 available $16,959,922 expended TOTAL $435,009,232 available $287,748,961 expended FY17 TTP Funds Tribes $414,253,225 available $298,173,013 expended

12 Jobs created Jobs retained
FY16 Tribal FY17 Tribal FY16 FHWA (PM&O) FY16 BIA (PM&O) FY17 PM&O numbers not yet tallied

13 Observations/Conclusions
Its good to have data. Additional guidance is needed to improve consistency and accuracy in the data reported. Tribal transportation office and finance office need to coordinate. Fairly consistent totals between FY16 and FY17 – good baseline established. About 75% of program funds used for maintenance, design and construction. Thank you.

14 Questions Brian Allen

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