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The Mexican War.

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1 The Mexican War

2 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
2 Feb. 1848: Signed 10 March: U.S. Senate ratifies 25 May: Mexican government ratifies Texas annexation recognized wit Rio Grande as the border. New Mexico and California ceded for $15 million plus unpaid claims

3 The Cost Mexico United States 12,866 KIA 1,177 KIA 1,360 WIA 3,669 WIA
? Died of disease ?? United States 1,177 KIA 3,669 WIA 11,155 Died of disease 16,001 Estimated cost to U.S.: $97,500,000

4 Results . . . U.S. consolidates it continental position.
Question: Slaves in the territories ? Mexico’s future linked to the U.S. A “mark on the Mexican soul.” Greater Mexican nationalism.

5 The means and the ends matched perfectly
The objective was achieved at the least cost and in the most humane way possible. The means and the ends matched perfectly

6 A war of conquest . . . Poses an interesting moral question.
Was this a “just war” ? Do you want to give the territory back ?

7 Legacy for the Army . . . The war teaches a generation of officers how to fight: Fire a volley and then charge. Well-led soldiers can take any position. Revolutionary War tactics and technology. Success would blind many to the technological innovations of the 1850’s.

8 “Lessons Learned” will not be adapted to new technology.

9 Technological Innovation
Steam power Ships Railroads Screw propeller Revolving pistol Telegraph Springfield Rifled Musket Before Mexican War 1855





14 Revolving Pistol Colt-Patterson, 1836 Walker Colt, 1847
aka “Colt Dragoon”

15 Telegraph allows “near-real time” communications.
Railroads allow the fast movement of troops.

16 The Springfield Rifled Musket Issued: 1855
“Springfield”: Made at the Springfield Armory “Rifled”: It’s a rifle, not a smoothbore “Musket”: Loaded down the muzzle. Made possible by: the cylindro-conoidal bullet aka, the “Minie ball”


18 How does it work?









27 Concave base


29 Expanding base grips the rifling and forms a gas seal.

30 Musket Rifled Musket Maximum Effective Range 100 yards 1000 yards
Design range Rifled Musket yards Effective range

31 Springfield Rifled Musket, model 1855
56 in. long 9 lbs. .59 caliber

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