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(7th) Chapter 8-2 Cornell Notes

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1 (7th) Chapter 8-2 Cornell Notes
The Relative Age of Rocks

2 Chapter 8-2 Key Questions
1. What is the law of superposition? 2. How do geologists determine the relative age of rocks?

3 Chapter 8-2 Key Terms relative age- absolute age-
law of superposition- extrusion- intrusion- fault- unconformity- inclusion- index fossil-

4 Chapter Paragraph 1 relative age: rock’s age compared to ages of other rocks; absolute age: number of years since the rock is formed; Example: sedimentary rock layers provide record of geologic history.

5 Chapter 8-2 Paragraph 2 absolute age difficult to measure;
relative age uses law of superposition; law of superposition: lower the sedimentary rock layer the older it is.

6 Chapter 8-2 Paragraph 3 relative age methods:
extrusion: lava hardens on the surface, rests on older rock; intrusion: magma pushes into rock, younger than surrounding rock; fault: break in earth’s crust, younger than rock it cuts through.

7 Chapter 8-2 Paragraph 4 unconformity: new rock layers meet much older rock surface beneath them; gap in geologic record; possibly caused through erosion; inclusion: present with unconformity; rock within a rock but older than surrounding rock.

8 Chapter Paragraph 5 rock layers dated through relative aging at different locations; index fossils used; index fossils: widely distributed fossils but relatively short life span; examples: ammonites, trilobites, and brachiopods.

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