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Greetings in Italian.

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1 Greetings in Italian

2 Saluti in Italiano (Greetings in Italian
Meeting: Giovanni: Buon giorno Dottor Angelo. Dott. Angelo: Buon giorno Signor Giovanni. Leaving: Giovanni: ArrivederLa Dottor Angelo. Dott. Angelo: A presto, Signor Giovanni.

3 Nota Bene There are different ways to say hello and good bye depending on both your relationship with the other person and the time of day. For example: Ciao = hello or goodbye (informal, any time of day Buon giorno = hello, good morning (more formal, for morning and afternoon) Buona sera = good evening (more formal, for evening) Buona notte = good night (just before going to bed) Arrivederci = goodbye (formal, when taking leave) ArrivederLa = goodbye (more formal, when taking leave) A presto = see you soon (formal and informal) Buon pomeriggio = good afternoon.

4 Using the “tu” vs. “Lei” Tu = informal, for family and friends
Lei = formal, for a stranger, a superior, someone you do not know well. When in doubt, always use the formal.

5 Formal Vs. Informal Buon Giorno (formal) or Ciao (informal) 1. A child to her mother, mamma! 2. A patient to his doctor , dottore! 3. A client to his lawyer, avvocato! 4. Your classmate to you , Alfredo! 5. A mother to her child, , amore!

6 Example of a Formal Meeting:
Between a doctor and his patient Meeting: Giovanni: Buon giorno Dottor Angelo. Dott. Angelo: Buon giorno Signor Giovanni. Leaving: Giovanni: ArrivederLa Dottor Angelo. Dott. Angelo: A presto, Signor Giovanni.

7 Example of an Informal Meeting
Between a child and her mother Meeting: Figlio: Ciao mamma! Mamma: Ciao caro figlio. Leaving: Figlio: Ciao mamma. Mamma: A presto, figlio.

8 Scrivete un dialogo Write a dialogue
Directions: By following the model below write a dialogue using either: a doctor and patient, waiter and customer, mother and child, yourself and a stranger on the road, cashier and client, a baker and a customer, a dentist and a patient, or between two friends.

9 Dialogo Dottore: Buon giorno Giacomo. Giacomo: Buon Giorno dottore. Dottore: Come sta Lei? Giacomo: Sto male. Dottore: Peccato (Sorry) (bene/male)

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