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Southern Blotting DNA Fingerprinting

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Blotting DNA Fingerprinting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Blotting DNA Fingerprinting

2 Southern Blot A Southern Blot identifies specific sequences of DNA
A Southern Blot may be used to determine a DNA fingerprint A Southern Blot may be used in forsenic medicine

3 Southern Blot Restriction Digest of DNA Electrophoresis
done Restriction Digest of DNA Electrophoresis Denaturation/Depurination Blotting Step Probing To do To do To do 1wk

4 Today’s laboratory: DNA fingerprinting in a hypothetical paternity determination.

5 A Paternity Case In this hypothetical case, DNA was extracted from samples obtained from two possible fathers, a mother and child. The DNA was were cleaved with a restriction enzyme.

6 Loading Gels Each group should load their gel
Run gel at approximately 125 volts for minutes Lecture will be given while samples electrophorese.

7 How to handle your gel after electrophoresis…

8 Load Gels and then we will discuss recombinant DNA technology

9 Sample Volume Add 40 ul per well MUST WARM 5 min. at 65C
Samples A. Standard DNA fragments B. Mother DNA cut with restriction enzyme C. Child DNA cut with restriction enzyme D. Possible Father #1 DNA with restriction enzyme E. Possible Father #2 DNA cut with restriction enzyme

10 .25N HCL NaOH/NaCl Depurination Denaturation

11 Depurination Step 8 minute (maximum) incubation in 100 ml .25N HCl
Rinse gel several times with 100 ml distilled water depurination

12 Denaturation Step After rinsing gel with water
Add 100 ml DNA denaturation solution min. Replace with fresh denaturation solution for minutes

13 General Schematic for Southern Blot: DNA

14 Setting up the Southern Blot: pg. 3-82
Line a tray with plastic wrap Place “denatured” gel upside down on wrap Pre-wet nylon membrane in denaturation solution for 2-5 minutes Place nylon on top of inverted gel

15 Setting up Southern Blot: pg. 3-82
Place filter paper on top of nylon membrane Remove air bubbles Place stack of paper towels on top of filter paper Place empty 400 ml beaker on towel Incubate overnight

16 Setting up the Southern Blot transfer
Plastic wrap Inverted Gel Nylon Membrane Filter paper Paper towels Weight Overnight incubation at room temperature

17 Overnight the ssDNA will diffuse by capillary transfer from gel onto nylon membrane!

18 Next lab we will stain this membrane for similarities between child and parents.


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