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Increasing visibility of the ESS

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1 Increasing visibility of the ESS
ESTP Course on Disseminating Statistics: Internet and Publications. Madrid 4-6 April 2011

2 Sponsorship group on communication
Main drivers: Improve visibility of the ESS, European and National Statistics. Enhance the use of statistics Increase the cooperation and coordination between ESS partners Sponsors: Eurostat and Spain Members: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom Time frame: 2010 – 2011 I just want to remind the main goals of this Sponsorship group which are: To improve the visibility of the ESS as a whole and also of each member of the ESS. To promote a better use of our statistics - exploring new ways of finding users like social media or promoting the statistical literacy projects Increase the cooperation and coordination between ESS – like for instance with a closer work of our press departments. There are ten countries involved in this group, jointly with Eurostat. Many of the experts of this group are here today. The very first schedule for the works of this group covered and 2011.

3 Sponsorship group on communication
Actions to increase the visibility of the ESS: - To have common information on NSI websites Information about the ESS should be provided to the users in their own language (Institutional and statistical information should be considered) - A centralized ESS website: Specially intended for those who look for news and relevant information of the ESS and its members (in English only). - To share a common visual element: an ESS logo Supported by ESSC in its meeting held in Febrary 2011 Since the last meeting of this Dissemination Working Group, the Sponsorship group has met twice. The second meeting was held in Luxembourg in May and as we will see in a minute some new projects arose in this meeting. Third meeting was held in Madrid last september. In those meeting we have discussed about the projects to carry out, trying to establish clear objectives, roadmaps, methods of implementation, etc. And also as this is a very first experience some questions about the organisation of the Sponsorship group and how to report to the ESSC have also been present. Meanwhile, one of the projects we had informed in the last meeting here: the PrESS network group has been established and also the common press release for the WSD has been presented. It is worth to mention that a first report has been given to the Partnership Group of the European Statistical System Committee.

4 Visibility, Credibility, Cooperation
ESS logo Objective: To associate ESS partners with a brand of high quality statistics. Works for the DWG: - Protocol on how to use this logo - Method to choose the final design From the very first meeting of the Sponsorship, the idea of having a logo arose in a natural way. If we wanted to make more visible the organisation we need an element wich could clearly identify the European Statistical System. At the beginning the idea was directly linked with the project of having some common information about European tables but now in the Sponsorship group we are considering the project of the logo as a horizontal issue that could be present in more than one simple project. Two questions are important in this point and still they don’t have a definitive solution: Which logo should be used? When it could be used for and when not? Until now some proposals for the logo from the members of the sponsorship group have been evaluated but no decision was adopted. A first version for the protocol was delivered in the last meeting and it is under consideration and needs some refinements. Visibility, Credibility, Cooperation


6 Common set of information in NSI websites
Goal: Improve the image of the ESS as a network of closely cooperating organisations Common institutional information about the ESS (NSI’s role, ESS Governance bodies, European CoP...). Common statistical information as an example of the statistical production of the ESS. From the very first meeting of the Sponsorship, the idea of having a logo arose in a natural way. If we wanted to make more visible the organisation we need an element wich could clearly identify the European Statistical System. At the beginning the idea was directly linked with the project of having some common information about European tables but now in the Sponsorship group we are considering the project of the logo as a horizontal issue that could be present in more than one simple project. Two questions are important in this point and still they don’t have a definitive solution: Which logo should be used? When it could be used for and when not? Until now some proposals for the logo from the members of the sponsorship group have been evaluated but no decision was adopted. A first version for the protocol was delivered in the last meeting and it is under consideration and needs some refinements. Visibility, Credibility, Cooperation

7 Common set of information in INE’s website
Institutional information Statistical information

8 ESS website ·     The central point to find news and institutional information about the ESS members. ·      High priority will be given to the news. Public can browse and subscribe to the press releases from all ESS members (in RSS format).       A new section "About the ESS" has been created. It contains information about the ESS, how it is organised and how decisions are taken. This section has taken the information already included in Eurostat website (Eurostat/About Eurostat/European framework) and will be removed from that website as soon as the ESS website is launched. ·      Information on each of the ESS members will keep the same structure as in INSIte (News, Who is who, management issues, etc). ·     

9 Other projects under the Sponsorship group on communication:
PrESS Network Guidelines about social media Guidelines/recommendations about educational websites A common project for User Satisfaction Surveys/ Confidence surveys Actions in relation with other sponsorship groups (GDP and Beyond, Quality). Here you have the complete list of projects we are dealing with in the framework of the Sponsorship Group. Some of them will be developed in specific points of the agenda of this meeting. From the discussion on the second and third meeting some projects have now their own entity as is with the project of having a logo to identify the European Statistical System and make it more visible. Some of the projects perhaps have been discussed previously in this group. The idea is take into account these inputs to define the project but now the Sponsorship group wants to reach the objective of implement such projects. Of course the opinions we can collect in this meeting about the different projects from the DWG are also important.

10 Thanks for your attention

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