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English Pathways Internal Assessment: Moderation

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1 English Pathways Internal Assessment: Moderation
Marie Baker

2 SACE Website Chief Assessor’s Report

3 What is moderation? End of year Purpose:
To ensure that the performance standards in a subject have been applied consistently to school assessment To ensure that school assessed results awarded to students across schools are comparable and fair To provide valid and fair school assessment for students.

4 A moderator will Seek to confirm the school’s assessment decisions
Consider the student evidence of learning with the performance standards. Ensure that decisions are in line with the performance standards and are consistent across all schools Maintain order of student achievement

5 What is moderated? Text Analysis (30%) 3 – 4 responses
at least two from: extended prose; visual or media; creative/ aesthetic (p25) At least three from: entertain or engage; persuade or communicate; communicate observations or information (p26) One oral (5 minutes)/One written ( 800 words) or Multimodal of equivalent length

6 What worked: Text Analysis
Oral/ multimodal and word count Effective task design When students responded to a range of texts One focus text over comparison When text is the focus of analysis/ sufficient text Connections to own values and beliefs helped when they were made in relation to the text Understanding of the technical, social and cultural roles of language used Student able to discuss the meta-language – and back ideas with evidence.


8 What worked: Text Production
Oral/ multimodal and word count – writer’s statement not assessable Effective task design Students produce a range of forms and variety of language skills. Able to manipulate: structure, style and language for audience and purpose Diversity – communication skills and language choices. Avoid minimal text or visual – ensure wide range of language skills are utilised. Created texts which utilise primary sources of information over the internet (summarising) Some excellent oral and multimodal forms this year.

9 Operational Ideas Appropriate packaging and clear identification of work (LAN: page3) Make use of appropriate forms: Addendum to the Learning Assessment Plan; Breach of Rules; or Variations in Moderation Material Include all evidence to support the school grade

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