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Reina Kinnaly IBCC 2nd Period TECH TUESDAY 

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1 Reina Kinnaly IBCC 2nd Period TECH TUESDAY 


3 Company – Consumer Physics Applications! Compatibility –
iPhone 4s & up with ios 5.0 or later iPad 3rd generation & up Android based phones (4.3 & up)

4 P.S- It took three years to develop the new SCiO!!
The ‘current working prototype’ is the device you will see in the next video P.S- It took three years to develop the new SCiO!!


6 What is it? – measures wavelengths of light
Where do you find it?- Scientific laboratories have these, they are big and expensive


8 Privacy Issues – Database could be hacked, any information of what is scanned is on the database.
DNA? Body Scan.. – You can scan your body with this device, so does your copies of your tissues or tiny things of DNA transferred to the database? World Hunger- Use the SCiO to scan fruits and find out precise nutrients needed for those in poverty Social Media – Expand SCiO around the globe; many people may not have internet access

9 July 2015 Eye safe $249.00 Standard USB Charger/ 200 scans Approximately 2 seconds Scan your skin!? (not to be used as a medical device)

10 "Cool Text." Cool Text: Logo and Graphics. N.p., n.d. Web.
"SCiO: Your Sixth Sense - SCIO." SCiO: Your Sixth Sense - SCIO. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec

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