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Tuesday 1/10/17 Notebook Entry- Why are the maps for this investigation called evidence cards? What makes something scientific evidence?

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 1/10/17 Notebook Entry- Why are the maps for this investigation called evidence cards? What makes something scientific evidence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 1/10/17 Notebook Entry- Why are the maps for this investigation called evidence cards? What makes something scientific evidence?

2 What is evidence? What makes it scientific?
Evidence = the available body of facts or information showing whether something is true or valid. Scientific evidence = evidence that supports or disagrees with a claim or explanation Collected by observation or investigation Primary = you collected it Secondary = someone else collected it and you analyze it


4 Porphyry Copper Deposits
The subduction of oceanic crust results in making hydrothermal solutions that eventually harden near the surface forming mineral deposits.

5 Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits
Water seeps into the group and pulls Copper (CU) elements from the rock.


7 Part 2: Evidence Card Analysis
Research Question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? Part 2: Evidence Card Analysis Work with your tablemates to analyze the two evidence cards. Answer the questions in your packet using complete sentences!

8 What are the similarities between the maps?

9 Part 3: Global Copper Distribution
Research Question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? Part 3: Global Copper Distribution Work with your tablemates to analyze Evidence Card A Answer the questions in your packet using complete sentences!

10 Part 4: Final Conclusions
Research Question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? Part 4: Final Conclusions Work with your tablemates to answer the questions. Answer the questions in your packet using complete sentences!

11 Exit Ticket: 3 things I remember
What are 3 things from the copper investigation that will be important to remember for the C.E.R. you will have to write next week?

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