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KCTCS Strategic Planning: Brief Overview

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1 KCTCS Strategic Planning: Brief Overview

2 1 2 3 4 5 KCTCS Strategic Planning Process Spring 2015 Summer 2015
Fall 2015-Jun 2016 Apr-Dec 2016 1 2 3 4 5 SCAN FRAME PLAN STRATEGIZE EXECUTE Gather input and scan environment. Establish System-wide vision, values, goals, indicators, and measures. Develop local goals, indicators, and measures; Identify targets. Identify/prioritize strategies to achieve goals. Develop Business Plan. Plan and implement strategies for continuous improvement.

3 System-wide Strategy Development: Strategic Plan and Business Plan
The Business Plan complements and extends the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan describes what needs to change; Business Plan describes how and why. The Strategic Plan identifies vision and goals with measures, objectives, and targets. The Business Plan identifies system-wide “how-to” strategies that operationalize the vision and goals; The Strategies are built by engaging college subject matter experts; The Plans are built in three 2-year cycles that are aligned with the biennial state budget cycle; The Plans are continuously monitored and evaluated to ensure maximum improvement.

Timeline for BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Board of Regents preview of the process at September meeting; Strategies submitted and compiled in September and October; Strategies finalized by November; Board receives Business Plan at December meeting.

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