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EDUCAUSE Core Data Service

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1 EDUCAUSE Core Data Service
Brian L. Hawkins Anaheim, CA November 4, 2003 Brian L. Hawkins, Copyright 2003.

2 Purposes This is NOT an assessment tool !
Create a systematic network for data Dispel myths and reduce hype Create an awareness of variations Create a basis for outcome analyses Allow for informed comparisons Provide assistance in planning efforts This is NOT an assessment tool !

3 Defining the Value of IT
The EDUCAUSE Core Data Survey Necessary…but Not Sufficient

4 Measuring outcomes is the goal Value of Investment (VOI)
Assessment Teaching / Learning Research / Discovery Service / Engagement Measuring outcomes is the goal Value of Investment (VOI)

5 Who participated? 634 institutions 56% Public / 44% Private
Carnegie Classes Over 45% of the EDUCAUSE membership DR MA BA AA Other International 65

6 A Service – Not a Survey To help members plan
To assist members in seeking info To provide a research basis To enhance a culture of evidence

7 Some features of the Survey
Web-based data collection 51 questions, with 267 data elements Definitions in “fly-overs” Glossary Data integrity checks Limited access to the data Rigorous “use agreement”

8 Some features of the Service
Ability to identify specific participants Available only to those who participated Ability to create your own “peer groups” Filters for Carnegie, size, control, etc. Ability to sort data Graphics & statistics

9 Some Observations Participation was reflective of the EDUCAUSE membership The value is in the breadth of participation Support from the vendor community Complementary with other efforts

10 Five Areas of Focus IT Organization, Staffing & Planning
IT Financing & Management Faculty & Student Computing Networking & Security Information Systems a flavor of the data . . .

11 Percent of Top IT Administrators Who Are Members of the President’s Cabinet
ALL DR Yes 37.5% MA Other AA BA 57.3% 33.1% 43.8% 49.3% 43.6% Analysis of titles 275 unique titles out of 621 CIO in the title of 27.4%

12 Students Who Own Computers
ALL DR Mean MA AA BA 12% 72% 54% 68% 51% ALL DR Private MA AA BA 30% 76% 63% 84% 70% 12% 40% 45% 60% 38% Public

13 Centralized vs. Decentralized
Percentage of Central IT Staff expenditures As a Function of Total Campus IT Staff Expenses ALL DR Mean MA AA BA 92% 96% 90% 76% 88% 100% 97% 79% Median

14 Percentage of IT Budget Devoted to Staff
Ratio Of Total Staff Compensation to Total IT Budget ALL DR MA BA AA Mean 50.6% 50.3% 50.5% 50.8% 55.0%

15 Core Data Service Monograph
For non-participants Aggregate Data Ratio Analyses Statistical analyses Over 100 tables A resource for all members

16 New Features for 2004 Trend tools Ratio Analyses Re-issuance of data
Turbo-Tax features Refined definitions Consistency of items

17 To Find Out More                                   

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