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Self Reliance and Nature

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1 Self Reliance and Nature
Ralph Waldo Emerson

2 Big Question Create your own motto. To get started consider the traits or resources that helped you solve a difficult problem, of the best advice you have ever given a friend. Use your answers to develop your personal motto that is short and to the point. You have 7 minutes. Everyone will share. (School appropriate)

3 About the Author Born in Boston Massachucets
Attended Harvard at the age of 14 He was an acknowledged leader of the transcendentalist He published Nature one of his most famous works anonymously

4 Transcendentalism Emerson’s motto was “Trust Thyself”
This principle lies at the heart of transcendentalism, and intellectual movement that emphasizes the dignity of the individual and advocates of a simple mindful life.

5 Transcendentalism Every individual is capable of discovering their own truth that exists beyond reason through intuition People are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs however controversial they may be A belief that mankind, nature, and God are all interconnected.

6 Define the following words
Aversion Decorum Exhilaration Importune Nonconformists Occult

7 Analyzing visuals Look at the picture on 370
What kind of man do you believe the person in the picture would be?

8 Self Reliance Summary In this excerpt from his essay, Emerson argues that people should trust their own judgment about what is right and wrong, rather than conform to other people's opinions. He insists that we should feel free to change our beliefs and concludes by offering historical examples to support his view that “to be great is to be misunderstood”

9 Nature Summary In this book excerpt, Emerson explores his powerful connection to nature. He says that in the presence of nature, he feels exhilarated, restored, and part of God. We delight in nature, he claims, because we behold in it something as beautiful as our own spiritual nature.

10 Activity One Compare and contrast both of Emerson's work.
You should create a chart to do this however you can pick which ever one that you like. 5 points in each part Self Reliance Same Nature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

11 After Reading On page 375 answer the following questions 1-5 and 7
You MUST write in complete sentences and you DO NOT have to write the question.

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