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Engaging a Diverse Oregon: Opportunities for Community-Based Research

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging a Diverse Oregon: Opportunities for Community-Based Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging a Diverse Oregon: Opportunities for Community-Based Research

2 Diversity & Cultural Engagement at OSU
Overview Diversity & Cultural Engagement at OSU Engagement Academy as Laboratory Notions of Community and Community Research Unique Oregon --- Your Tour Tribal Communities Ethical Dilemmas and Cartesian Demons Conclusion December 7, 2018

3 Diversity & Cultural Engagement
DCE Web Site December 7, 2018

4 Engagement Academy as Laboratory
How do you understand the term community? How do you understand community research? “It is futile to attempt to categorize these aspects of the community for they frequently overlap. For example, the spiritual element of Aztlan crosses over into its social-historical aspect because Aztlan is not only a physical region but is also a state of mind, a spiritual belief” ( Blea, 1995). December 7, 2018

5 Engagement Academy As Laboratory
Big Questions: Who defined the research problem? For whom is this study worthy and relevant? What knowledge will the community gain from this study? What knowledge will the researcher gain from this study? What are some possible negative outcomes? How can the negative outcomes be eliminated? What are some likely positive outcomes from this study? To whom is the researcher accountable? What processes and resources are in place to support the research, the researched and the researcher? December 7, 2018

6 Unique Oregon --- Your Tour
December 7, 2018

7 Unique Oregon --- Your Tour
Historical Antecedents: 1830s Westward movement 1840s slavery abolished – “Lashlaws” – Settlement Wars 1850s exclusion laws against African Americans – Rogue River war ended. 1860s tax levied on Blacks, mulattoes, Kanakas, and Chinese – banned interracial marriages – Vaqueros from Mexico enhance cattle industry 1870 Chemawa Indian School created 1880 Chinese driven out by mobs – Japanese immigration begins 1903 the Advocate started “intelligent discussion on matters pertaining to the colored people” 1910 Oregon ranked 7th of states outside the southwest with a high Latino population 1920 growth of the Klan – Alien Land Law denies Japanese opportunity to own land. State constitution amended to allow Blacks and Chinese the vote. 1930s segregation of Native Americans and Latinos WWII growth in Af. Am. Population – Anti Asian sentiment – Braceros program. 1948 Vanport flood – African American community affected 1954 termination of Oregon Tribes 1957 Oregon Fair Housing act 1970s grassroots organizations founded – Colegio Cesar Chavez in Silverton 1980 restoration of tribes – Skinhead activity increases December 7, 2018

8 Unique Oregon - Tribal Communities
December 7, 2018

9 Unique Oregon-Tribal Communities
December 7, 2018

10 Unique Oregon- Tribal Communities
Land use / Natural Resources Cultural / Linguistic preservation Archiving Health Sovereignty Nation Building December 7, 2018

11 Ethical Dilemmas and other Cartesian Demons
Cultural and intellectual appropriation Economic gain off research Age and gender Bio-politics of Native Identity Traditional v. Progressive Methodology/Methods Good research v. not so good research December 7, 2018

12 Ethical Dilemmas and other Cartesian Demons
Ask if….. Tribe has IRB Cultural Guide—Governance system Understand and Learn… Treaty History/obligations Community Genogram—social structure Engage in… Critical Analysis of your own research goals and process December 7, 2018

13 Conclusion Mission of Outreach and Engagement Outreach and engagement at Oregon State University enhances access to enrichment and problem solving through reciprocal relationships for the exchange of knowledge and resources in partnership with individuals, communities, businesses, industries, government and educational institutions. December 7, 2018

14 Diversity and Cultural Engagement
Allison Davis-White Eyes, Ph.D. 228 Student Experience Center new web address: December 7, 2018

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