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Spencer Reardon and Kenneth Adams Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "Spencer Reardon and Kenneth Adams Jr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spencer Reardon and Kenneth Adams Jr.
11 Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Real Time OS on MBED Spencer Reardon and Kenneth Adams Jr. ECE 4180 1

2 Design Service Calls (API) Scheduler Drivers Demo Apps Threads
Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 22 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Design Service Calls (API) Threads Synchronization I/O Scheduler Drivers Demo Apps

3 Threads API Calls: Features:
Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 33 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Threads API Calls: task_create task_wait task_exit task_detach task_self sleep Features: Priority designation (real time, high, normal, and low), range of allowable stack sizes, protected stacks, lower power idle mode

4 Synchronization API Calls: Features: mutex_create mutex_lock
Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 44 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Synchronization API Calls: mutex_create mutex_lock mutex_unlock Features: Task ownership, sleep based blocking, makes use of ARM atomic instruction, “smart” unlocking

5 Memory Protection Implementation: Catches access violations
Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 55 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Memory Protection Implementation: Catches access violations Stack overflow protection

6 I/O Device Support Implementation: Features:
Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring 66 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels I/O Device Support Implementation: open read write close seek ioctl Features: Sleep tasks trying to write to full buffers; supports: pwm, GPIO, serial, filesystem

7 Gantt Chart (Planned) (Actual)

8 Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring
88 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Demo SPASH (SPArtan SHell) – Offers a command interpreter that allows a user to run various tasks. Control priorities of tasks Background or foreground tasks Various applications top – show multiple tasks running audio – plays audio over pwm output video – plays video over serial connection crash – force user mode crash by null dereference Debug Console – Debug console shows pertinent information about task life cycles

9 Ultrasonic Signal Processing for Structural Health Monitoring
99 11/02/10 J. Michaels and T. Michaels Questions? You there, student, what is your question?

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