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SHHHH! This is Silent reading time!

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Presentation on theme: "SHHHH! This is Silent reading time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SHHHH! This is Silent reading time!

2 Separating Mixtures and Solutions
Grade 7 Science Separating Mixtures and Solutions

3 Many products depend on technology for separating mixtures and solutions
What are the three solids and the liquid in the picture below? White, yellow and brown sugar Molasses

4 What you will learn: In this chapter, you will
identify separation techniques that are used in and around the home describe how to use different methods to separate a variety of mixtures identify examples of how science related to mixtures and solutions affects our lives

5 Student Activity: Discuss with a partner how you would separate the following mixtures…

6 Separating Mixtures… Mixtures Method of Separation Explanation
Salt Water Muddy Water Nuts and Bolts Iron Filings and Sand

7 Separating Mixtures… Mixtures Method of Separation Explanation
Vegetable Oil and Sand Vegetable Oil and Water Salt and Pepper

8 Discussion Question “Are the components you have separated still mixtures, or are they pure? Why or why not?”

9 Open your books to page 278

10 Separation Techniques
Mechanical Sorting: Used to separate the parts of a mixture based on properties such as particle size. Examples: floatation & magnetism

11 magnetism floatation

12 Filtration: A common way to separate solid particles from a mixture
The filters can have holes of varying sizes… small to microscopic.

13 Oil filter Coffee filter Colander Furnace filter

14 Evaporation: Change of state from a liquid to a gas. Used to recover a solid solute from a solution.


16 Distillation: Uses two changes of state: evaporation and condensation. It allows you to recover BOTH the solute and solvent from a solution.

17 Condensation Evaporation

18 Short Distillation video:

19 Another quick video:

20 Paper Chromatography:
Used to separate the colored substances in a mixture such as ink. Used to separate the solvents in a mixture.


22 Neat Chromatography activity: http://www. youtube. com/watch

23 Separation Techniques in the Home:
Colanders Clothes dryers Window screens Coffee percolators Salad spinners Any others?

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