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Life Beyond Rick Hansen Secondary School

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Presentation on theme: "Life Beyond Rick Hansen Secondary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Beyond Rick Hansen Secondary School
-Your Child’s Year Ahead

2 Post-Secondary Pathway Options
Workplace Apprenticeship College University

3 Entering the Workplace
What your child should be working on: Resume writing/Cover Letter Cold calling Searching the ‘Now Hiring’ job market Employment fairs Job agencies Interviewing

4 Apprenticeship Having relevant school and work experience:
Technology courses CO-OP OYAP Accelerated OYAP

5 Applying to Apprenticeship Programs
Apply directly to an employer, union or local committee who will support students in their apprenticeship training Employment Ontario can help with the job search The employer must register the apprentice with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

6 Post-Secondary Schools – College and University
OSSD Requirements Transcript – updated and accurate Gathering Information (research, open houses) Considerations: Strengths, area of interest Proximity to home Cost of attending Campus life Work experience

7 Sample: College Info Gathered
College Program School/ Campus Program Code Admission Requirements Program Start Date Business Admin. (co-op) 1st choice Humber/ Lakeshore 20091 OSSD, ENG 4C/4U, Gr. 12 C/M/U math, 2 additional gr. 11/12 C/M/U courses Sept. 2019 2nd choice North Toronto 02511 Jan. 2020

8 Sample: University Info Gathered
University Program School/ Campus OUAC Program Code Admission Requirements Degree Business Administration and Financial Mathematics 1st choice Laurier/ Waterloo UBF OSSD, High 80s, ENG4U, ETS4U or EWC4U at 70%; MHF4U at 70%; MCV4U at 60%. A combined minimum average of 80% is required in the math courses. BBA/BA Business Administration (Honours) 2nd choice UB OSSD, mid to high 80s, One of ENG4U, ETS4U or EWC4U at 70%; MHF4U at 70%; one of MCV4U or MDM4U at 60%. BBA

9 College/University – Other Info
Potential Additional Requirements: Portfolio submissions (i.e. art programs) - Continually update it - Know the requirements - Know submission deadlines - Be prepared to discuss Audition dates (performance programs) - Become aware of audition date - Practice First Aid CPR Criminal Reference Check

10 College/University – Campus Tours
Visit post-secondary websites (Admissions, Undergraduate Students) Book an appointment Attend tour sessions Attend open houses Go on a residence tour

11 The Year Ahead: What to Expect

12 November Gr. 12 Assembly – Applying to post- secondary schools
OUAC PIN distributions College ( and University ( application websites open

13 Required Information for College Applications
Valid and appropriate account RHSS school number – OEN (found on report card and student ID card) Home mailing address (including postal code) Program choices applying to in ranked order (program names and codes) Payment format (credit card strongly recommended) - $95 processing fee (5 program choices; max. of 3 per school) Video – applying to Ontario Colleges

14 Required Information for University Applications
Valid and appropriate account RHSS school number – OUAC PIN (from Counselling) OEN (found on report card and student ID card) Home mailing address (including postal code) Program choices applying to in ranked order (program names and codes) Payment format (credit card strongly recommended) - $150 fee (3 program choices); $50 for each add. Choice Video – University application process

15 January 16th, 2019 at 11:59pm – OUAC application deadline

16 February and March February
1st – College application equal consideration date 1st – colleges may begin sending out offers of admission 5th – recommended last date to make changes to OUAC application March 1st - target date for Ontario universities to receive all final first-semester and current full- year grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC

17 May 1st - Deadline to confirm college offers (colleges may extend offers after this date) 7th – target date for Ontario universities to receive all second semester mid-term grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC 29th – latest date students can expect a response from an Ontario University (acceptance, refusal, deferral)

18 June and July June 3rd – earliest date students may be required to respond to an Ontario university offer of admission and give a financial commitment (e.g., registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.) Mid June – College tuition deposits must be made End of June – The Admission Information Service (AIS) publishes which Ontario universities still have spots available in first-year undergraduate programs July 11th – target date for the OUAC to transmit all remaining final grades to the universities

19 English Language Requirements
In Canada less than 4 years, may be required to write an English Language Proficiency Test (i.e. TOEFL or IELTS) Application will not be considered until test results have been received Research now (test dates, locations, times) Online practice test

20 Scholarships and Financial Aid - finding the money

21 Financing Post-Secondary Education
Options: Parents/Family RESP Part-time job Scholarships Loans/OSAP New Ontario Student Grant Other

22 Scholarships and Bursaries
Entrance scholarships – no application required Other Scholarships – lots to do! START RESEARCHING NOW Admission averages Application based Your parents workplace Complete the applications well in advance Additional documentation may include: recommendation/reference letters, transcript, essays Courier Confirmation of receipt

23 Scholarships and Bursaries
Websites: Rick Hansen Secondary School website School and scholarship specific websites

24 OSAP Financial aid to help pay for post-secondary studies Two parts:
Loan – money to be repaid once school has finished Bursary – money that doesn’t have to be paid back Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent residence, or a protected person Apply when applying to post-secondary programs

25 Questions

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