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The Contribution of the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD to the Results Measurement Framework IFAD9 Meeting, 24 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Contribution of the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD to the Results Measurement Framework IFAD9 Meeting, 24 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Contribution of the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD to the Results Measurement Framework IFAD9 Meeting, 24 October 2011

2 Context IFAD Evaluation Policy first adopted in 2003 (following IFAD’s 6th Replenishment) and revised in 2011 IOE is an independent IFAD office, governed by the Evaluation Policy and applicable IFAD rules and regulations

3 Main Instruments ARRI: This is IOE’s flagship annual product, providing an account of aggregate performance and systemic issues and lessons Corporate level evaluations: contribute to the preparation of corporate policies and strategies (e.g., direct supervision, country presence, gender, private sector, efficiency, etc.). Also include assessment of corresponding results measurement frameworks

4 Main Instruments (cont.d)
Country programme evaluations: provide the building blocks for new COSOPs, by assessing lending and non-lending activities as well as country programme performance Project evaluations: in the form of PCRVs and PPAs, to identify lessons learned and good practices to inform the design of new operations. They also aim to contribute to strengthening IFAD’s self evaluation system and allow IOE to report on disconnect between results generated by IOE and IFAD’s self evaluation system

5 Main Instruments (cont.d)
Comments on key documents: IOE prepares annually comments on RIDE Harmonization agreement between IFAD management and IOE ensures that self evaluation and independent evaluations cover same criteria and ratings system

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