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A written conversation

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1 A written conversation
Write Around A written conversation

2 Form groups of three or four

3 Each person in the group receives a piece of paper with a: Picture
Part of a written text A question posed etc…. And different color pencils/pens/markers Each person writes their name in a different color on the back of each paper

4 Rules of the Write Around
Write legibly Cross out and go Use all the time I give you No talking

5 Your teacher will let you know when to start writing about the topic
You will have about two minutes to start Remember to use your New Vocabulary

6 What do you do now? Read it….then…. Answer it After the two minutes…
Pass your papers to the left What do you do now? Read it….then…. Answer it

7 After you read what has been written, underneath… write your response
Make a comment Share a connection Ask a question Agree and give reasons Disagree and give reasons Make an illustration What could you say?

8 Just keep the conversation going…you have a minute and a half to answer

9 Stop writing and pass your papers to the left again
Now you have more to read and respond to. You can answer one or the other, or say something to both of them.

10 Just keep the conversation going…you have two minutes to answer

11 You will continue passing papers to the left until each person has their original paper in front of them Now read and enjoy what the group said in response to the comment you wrote

12 Make a next to the most interesting, unusual, or debatable sentence that anyone wrote.
This should be something you’d like to talk about further with your group.

13 Now, start a discussion with your group out loud
Now, start a discussion with your group out loud. If you need a place to begin, have someone read aloud their “important sentence” and begin the conversation

14 After your group discussion is over, end the class with all of the students coming back together and discussing this topic and process First… Let’s hear some highlights from your written & spoken discussions What were the big ideas about the topic that came up? What did you spend time on? What did you agree or debate about?

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