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Daily Questions Why is Dias important? What are some of his accomplishments? Dias is very accomplished, but compared to others in the age of exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Questions Why is Dias important? What are some of his accomplishments? Dias is very accomplished, but compared to others in the age of exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Questions Why is Dias important? What are some of his accomplishments? Dias is very accomplished, but compared to others in the age of exploration he is unknown. Why might this be the case?

2 Vasco Da Gama

3 Early Life Not much is known of his childhood
Sent early in his career to attack French ship that disrupted Portuguese trade

4 Open Door Dias proved the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean is connected Portugal feared new exploration by Columbus to what was thought to be India New king of Portugal sends Da Gama to find India 170 men, four boats, two designed by Dias

5 To Africa Makes it to the east coast of Africa, past Dias Mark
Modern Day Mozambique and Kenya Today Mozambique still speaks Portuguese as a main language

6 And beyond Sails from Africa to India with help of Muslim pilot

7 Oh no you did’nt Arab traders did not want Europeans moving into their trading territory Da Gama was taken prisoner called a pirate Portuguese retaliated , took hostages, Everyone was released Trading continued

8 Result Da Gama returned a Hero, but with only two boats 54 men.
Traveled round trip 24,000 miles Ended Arab domination of Asian trade Da Gama made three total trips Died in India on the third trip

9 Recap Questions 2. Why is Vasco Da Gama significant to the age of exploration? 3. List the accomplishments of the following: Henry the Navigator Dias Da Gama

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