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Anything you can do . . . What is something that you are really good at? Has anyone ever tried to stop you from doing it for any reason? Why did they do.

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Presentation on theme: "Anything you can do . . . What is something that you are really good at? Has anyone ever tried to stop you from doing it for any reason? Why did they do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anything you can do . . . What is something that you are really good at? Has anyone ever tried to stop you from doing it for any reason? Why did they do that? Is there something better you could do with your time?

2 Comparing Contrasts Look at the lives of Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois Compare and contrast them with a Venn Keep working on your Reconstruction EP

3 Sign of the Times African Americans were being mistreated through everything from the Jim Crow laws, to disenfranchisement Essentially nullifying the 14th and 15th amendment with the Plessy case, Blacks are more held down than ever before Two men rose up to fight for racial equality at two different paces

4 Booker T. Washington 1856-1915 Born a slave in Virginia
When freed he moved to West Virginia where he worked manual labor and went to college He went to Hampton University and eventually became headmaster at Tuskegee University He was an author, political activist and educator that fought for equal treatment of Blacks

5 Washington Effects Took the approach that Blacks should rise up in White society through hard work before civil rights Made his famous Atlanta Compromise speech at the Cotton exposition of 1895 Often criticized by Dubois and NAACP for going too slow Events like mass lynching in Georgia and the 1906 Race Riot helped the case that things were not progressing

6 W.E.B. Dubois Started off agreeing with Washington but later opposed them Born in Mass. and experienced Jim Crow for the first time in Tenn. at Fisk University where he went to school Later got his Masters and PHD from Harvard Dubois developed the idea of the “talented tenth”

7 Dubois effects Dubois began teaching at what would be called Clark Atlanta University Dubois time in Atlanta was important because he wrote the souls of black folk and created NAACP He believed that Blacks could rise up with the use of education and should receive equal rights now rather than later His ideas for social and political rights for all led to the modern Civil Rights movement

8 Washington vs. Dubois Make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting 3 things

9 Reconstruction EP Finish working on this while we watch some short videos If you have any questions about what is due Wednesday let me know We only have two more people left we haven’t talked about yet, you can work on this at home

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