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The Entry Point to Differentiation Waukee ELP August 31, 2009

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1 The Entry Point to Differentiation Waukee ELP August 31, 2009
Developing a KUD The Entry Point to Differentiation Waukee ELP August 31, 2009 Mary Schmidt, Gifted Education Consultant Heartland AEA ext

2 “Stop asking me if we’re almost there
“Stop asking me if we’re almost there! We’re nomads, for crying out loud!”

If a teacher isn’t clear about what all students should (know) understand and be able to do when the learning experience ends, he or she lacks the vital organizer around which to develop a powerful lesson. --Tomlinson, 1999

4 KNOW UNDERSTAND BE ABLE TO DO Facts, names, dates, places, information
Essential truths that give meaning to the topic Stated as a full sentence BE ABLE TO DO Skills (basic skills, skills of the discipline, skills of independence, social skills, skills of production Verbs or phrases

5 KNOW UNDERSTAND BE ABLE TO DO What K, U, and D stand for
Characteristics of K, U, and D statements UNDERSTAND The KUD provides essential clarity about high level outcomes for all students. Differentiation is best accomplished at the intersection of our knowledge of students and clearly defined learning outcomes. BE ABLE TO DO Classify statements as K, U, or D Create a KUD for a unit

6 Unpacking the KUD What K, U, and D stand for
Characteristics of K, U, and D statements

7 KUD Sort Categorize the statements in your envelope as Know Understand
Do Check your answers

8 Developing Statements of Understanding
Consider interdisciplinary connections Opportunities for multiple exposures Within a discipline Across disciplines To connect disciplines

9 Developing Statements of Understanding
Start with one-word concepts Conflict Loyalty Relationships Combine concepts to make true statements (generalizations) Divided loyalties create conflict. Conflict can damage or strengthen relationships.

10 Developing Statements of Understanding
Start with one-word concepts Structure Patterns Order Combine concepts to make true statements (generalizations) Patterns create structure. Order occurs as a result of a variety of structures. The order experienced depends on the application of available structures.

11 Work with Your Team Identify an Understand you will all work toward.
By content area identify the units/lessons/topics that would help develop that understanding. Complete the chart. Discuss how Understands could be differentiated for gifted kids.

12 Individually Select a unit/lesson/topic from your column on the chart.
Develop the Know and Do that are specific to that unit/lesson/topic and will move your students toward the Understand. Develop additional Understands as needed. These might be content-specific. Look at the examples in the packet.



15 TTYN How will starting with the KUD change the way you plan and collaborate with classroom teachers?

16 The Tip of the Iceberg Roadmap for a unit Start small
Study Differentiation in Practice (K-5, 5-9, 9-12) Novice to expert requires practice KUD is essential to quality differentiation Makes pre- and formative assessment more focused

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