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Our Uniqueness Teacher Edition.

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1 Our Uniqueness Teacher Edition

2 Lesson 4 Materials Crayons, markers, pens, pencils, pencils
White board/markers, Elmo 2 copies of body template (per student) Scissors

3 Lesson Write the following questions on the board and discuss with a partner: What does “unique” mean to you? What is it that makes you unique among your classmates?

4 Discuss ways which people’s bodies might be different (skinny, muscular, tattoos) Discuss types of clothing Write student ideas next to or on the body (shoulders to waist), students will also write on template Repeat for lower body (waist to feet)

5 Pass out 1 copy of the blank (no lines) body template to each student
Draw outline of the person on the board or utilize the template by displaying on the Elmo (students follow) Have students write responses on template Discuss some features that make up a person’s head and neck Write student ideas on or next to the head area, students will follow

6 Pass out the second copy of the body template and have students cut on the black lines: head and neck, shoulders to waist, and waist to feet Students will write their names on the back of each piece Students will draw/color on the head and neck Remind them of the features discussed on the board or template

7 Students will draw/color on the (shoulders to waist) piece template
Remind students of the features discussed previously (clothes, etc) Finish drawing on the rest of the body (waist to feet)

8 Collect body parts and put in 3 separate piles (heads, bodies, legs)
Distribute to each student a head, body, and set of legs (not getting a body part they drew) Students put the three parts together like a puzzle to create a “unique” person Ask students what they think the message of the lesson is “Everyone is different or unique; what a person looks like on the outside has nothing to do with what is inside” (Lesson Message) Students can name their person and may present to class

9 Lesson 5

10 Materials Write the following questions on the board or post over the Elmo for students to think about as they watch the video: How do we respect differences? How can we utilize our differences to benefit others?

11 Butterfly Circus Main Characters
Go over the following important characters with students, so that they are aware who is who - Mr. Mendez: Butterfly Circus ring leader - Will: Main character, newcomer to the Butterfly Circus - Butterfly Circus performers - First circus ring leader You Tube Video Link: Butterly Circus

12 Lesson Discuss the following questions as a class after the video:
- How do we respect differences? - How can we utilize our differences to benefit others?

13 Activity Divide students by groups of 3-4 students
Assign a different question to each group from their packets Some questions may have multiple parts Groups will share responses using examples from the video with the class

14 Discussion Questions 1. How do you think Will felt when he was part of the sideshow in the first circus? Why did he spit on Mr. Mendez? How did Will change after he joined the Butterfly Circus? 2. In what ways did Will begin to positively affect the lives of others? How did Will discover his strengths and the courage to use them? Can we change that which is negative in our lives? If so, how?

15 Discussion Questions 4. Mr. Mendez says, “I think you’ll manage” to Will when he is obviously floundering. Why? Has anyone ever let you struggle to figure something out yourself? How did you feel once you had done it? 5. For each of the following quotes by Mr. Mendez, explain the meaning and share your reaction to it: “If you could only see the beauty that can come from ashes.” 6. How do you think the two circus masters viewed what’s important in life? What does it mean to be successful? How did that affect how they treated people?

16 Discussion Questions 7. Mr. Mendez says, “I think you’ll manage” to Will when he is obviously floundering. Why? Has anyone ever let you struggle to figure something out yourself? How did you feel once you had done it? 8. For each of the following quotes by Mr. Mendez, explain the meaning and share your reaction to it: “There is nothing inspiring about a man’s imperfections on display.” 9. The movie takes place in the 1930s. Would people treat Will any differently today? What does Will believe about himself at the beginning of the film? At the end?  10. In what ways did some of the other circus performers change when they joined Butterfly Circus using examples?

17 Closure Close with the following questions:
Are there any comparisons you can make between The Butterfly Circus and your school? Are there people in your school who struggle to find their place or purpose? Is there anything from this movie that can help you be a better student leader?

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