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The George Washington University Department of ECE ECE 1010 - Intro: Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr. S. Ahmadi Class 4.

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Presentation on theme: "The George Washington University Department of ECE ECE 1010 - Intro: Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr. S. Ahmadi Class 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 The George Washington University Department of ECE ECE Intro: Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr. S. Ahmadi Class 4

2 Touch Sensors Is a type of digital sensor: - Returns a 0 if NOT hit
- Returns a 1 if HIT - As with any digital sensor, it is either “ON” or “OFF” - Digital sensors connect to digital ports (7-15) on the “lower deck” of the handyboard (see diagram of the handyboard on the next slide)

3 Digital Ports

4 Touch Sensor Digital sensor
Connect to digital ports 8-15 on the KIPR Link Access with function digital(port#) 1 indicates switch is closed 0 indicates switch is open

5 Utilizing the touch sensor to help robot turn intelligently
Write an IC program that does the following: runs forward for an unspecified amount of time detects a “hit” using a digital sensor attached to the front of the robot and then backs up (for x seconds --- you decide what number is best for x – HINT use a variable!) Download and run

6 Simple Example To Use Bumpers
// Program to make a robot go forward. // If hit detected, go backwards for 4 seconds. int main() { while( a_button()==0 ){ } // Waits for user to press start button. while(1) motor (1,70); // Turn on motor 3% of speed. motor (3,70); // Turn on motor 3% of speed. if ( digital(13)==1 ) // Check sensor connected to port motor (1, -70); // Turn on motor 3% of speed in opposite direction. motor (3, -70); // Turn on motor 3% of speed in opposite direction. msleep(4000); } return 0

7 Classwork AA1FB int main() { } fd(2); msleep(3000); bk(0); bk(2);
ao(); }

8 Classwork AA2Sen int main(){ while(1){
printf("Sensor reading : %d\n", analog10(0)); msleep(500); } return 0;

9 Classwork AA3FSenB_once int main(){ bk(0); bk(2);
int color_threshold = 200; while(a_button()==0); while(1){ if(analog10(0) > color_threshold && analog10(1) > color_threshold) break; fd(0); fd(2); msleep(100); } bk(0); bk(2); msleep(2000); ao(); return 0; }

10 Classwork AA4FSenB_loop int main(){ int color_threshold = 200; bk(0);
while(a_button==0); while(1){ if(analog10(0) > color_threshold && analog10(1) > color_threshold) break; fd(0); fd(2); msleep(100); } bk(0); bk(2); msleep(2000); ao(); msleep(100); } return 0;

11 Classwork AA5SenB_three int main(){ int color_threshold = 200; bk(0);
int n = 1; while(a_button()==0); while(n <= 3){ while(1){ if(analog10(0) > color_threshold && analog10(1) > color_threshold) break; fd(0); fd(2); msleep(100); } bk(0); bk(2); msleep(2000); ao(); n = n+1; msleep(100); } return 0;

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