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Memory leaking in QMSS ?.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory leaking in QMSS ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory leaking in QMSS ?

2 Conditions Refer to this e2e thread.
To recreate the issue, please use the packages attached to this e2e thread.

3 Run core0/1 first, an then core3 …
② Next, start Core3 (NDK client) NDK will try to insert memory to QMSS region 1 in its initialization phase This snap shot is showing, core3 is trying to insert the into region1. Now put F5 !!! Once this line is executed, the next slide happened. ① Core0/1 (SRIO loopback) is started As you see, core0 is working correctly. Note that Core0 is using the

4 Result: Core0 starts to get the descriptor @ 0x1380xxxx !
This address range is the descriptor on core3. Eventually, Core3 can hang-up.

5 Questions It looks like leaking memory between region0 and region1. Why this can happen ? Is this QMSS bug ?

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