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AIR POLLUTION IN SHANGHAI A research done by : Lim Si Heng : David Yao Yifan : Yoong Wei Jue : Nicholas Lim Jing Wei Geography - Group 9.

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Presentation on theme: "AIR POLLUTION IN SHANGHAI A research done by : Lim Si Heng : David Yao Yifan : Yoong Wei Jue : Nicholas Lim Jing Wei Geography - Group 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIR POLLUTION IN SHANGHAI A research done by : Lim Si Heng : David Yao Yifan : Yoong Wei Jue : Nicholas Lim Jing Wei Geography - Group 9

2 Contents Causes Impacts Measures Other relevant information

3 Causes Shanghai has a huge population transportation vehicles release a lot of harmful gases Rapid industrialization in Shanghai has caused smogs to be released Industrial worksites, power plants and metal smelters spew a lot of carbon, metals, gases and soot into the air

4 Causes Majority of the air pollution is caused by the burning of coal to generate electricity Lack of other energy sources thus burning of coal is the only way to generate resources

5 Impacts Rate of people obtaining lung cancer has increased by 60% Smoking rates have stayed the same but rate of people obtaining cancer is still increasing Causes respiratory problems as the air pollution is not easily blocked by masks and coughed out

6 Impacts People are more inclined to buy masks and air purifiers but their methods are ineffective Affects mortality as indoor and outdoor air pollution could be fatal Air in Shanghai corrodes airplanes engines thus they need to be changed regularly Total health care costs have increased, accounting for 3.3% of Chinas gross domestic product

7 Measures Temporary shutting down more than 100 factories Officials ordering 180,000 vehicles off the road Growing trees over 250 square miles of land in the next five years Optimize industrial structure, promote energy saving and emission reduction, and advance ecological progress

8 Measures Direct regulation and rigorous technology standards, such as mandatory scrubbing of power-plant emissions pollution-control standards for automobiles Permit-trading programs for sulfur emissions, in order to reduce the cost of pollution abatement Fuel tax Polluting industry will have stricter emission limits

9 Other relevant information Video: 1DNjJd2YfA&feature=player_embedded 1DNjJd2YfA&feature=player_embedded

10 Acknowledgements Air pollution in china. (n.d.). Retrieved from China's air pollution in shanghai. (n.d.). Retrieved from What causes so much air pollution in china. (n.d.). Retrieved from n_in_China n_in_China Air quality a hot topic in shanghai. (n.d.). Retrieved from 01/29/content_16182396.htm 01/29/content_16182396.htm Air pollution in shanghai. (n.d.). Retrieved from _you_nee.php _you_nee.php

11 Acknowledgements The scary facts about air pollution in shanghai. (n.d.). Retrieved from matters/the-scary-facts-about-air-pollution-in-shanghai/ matters/the-scary-facts-about-air-pollution-in-shanghai/ Health impact of outdoor air pollution in china. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reduce air pollution: in china. (n.d.). Retrieved from How to reduce air pollution in china. (n.d.). Retrieved from solutions?page=0,1 solutions?page=0,1 Beijing takes emergency steps to fight smog. (n.d.). Retrieved from takes-emergency-steps-to-fight-smog.html?_r=0 takes-emergency-steps-to-fight-smog.html?_r=0

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