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Chapter 10 Political Campaigns and Elections

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1 Chapter 10 Political Campaigns and Elections
Does your vote really count?

2 2000 election Only 3rd time that a candidate who lost the popular vote won the election by winning the electoral vote Bush won the state of Florida by 537 popular votes…… giving him that states 25 electoral votes

3 Winner Take All System An electoral system that awards offices to the highest vote getters without ensuring representation for voters in the minority. Under this system a slim majority of voters can control 100 percent of elected offices

4 Votes do Matter New Mexico = Gore wins by 366 votes
Michigan = Mike Rogers wins his House seat by 88 votes

5 Voting You must vote BUT You must be informed
An informed voted is likely to be an engaged citizen. Active citizens are necessary for a democracy

6 10.2 The Right to Vote Americans hold more elections to elect more office holders than any other country in the world

7 Popular Sovereignty Political Authority Comes From The People
Vote = Best way to exercise your authority

8 So……… Why don’t people vote??????
If it’s so important AND many people were denied voting rights???????

9 “C” 1787 Said very little about elections How to elect President & VP
Left other details about voting to the states

10 Suffrage VOTING 1787 Right to vote was limited (denied)
6% of population = allowed White property owning males

11 John Jay “those who own the country ought to govern it”

12 Suffrage Gradually extended
1820’s = eliminate the property owning part Andrew Jackson (the 1st common man) became President Still….white males only

13 Post Civil War 15th Amendment 1870
Granted voting rights to all male citizens Including African Americans

14 Expanded Voting Rights
Early 20th century 17th “A” 1913 Direct election of Senators

15 19th “A” 1920 Granted women in all states the right to vote

16 Indian Citizenship Act 1924
Granted citizenship to Native Americans Gave suffrage (right to vote)

17 Civil Rights Movement For nearly a century suffrage was denied to many blacks Despite the 15th “A” Poll taxes Literacy tests

18 1950’s-1960’s Key goal of civil rights movement was voting rights
24th “A” = ban on poll taxes (1964)

19 Voting Rights Act 1965 Banned literacy tests
Voter registration = under federal authority in some states Number of Black voters increased

20 26th “A” 1971 Voting age is lowered to 18 from 21

21 4 Basic Requirements U.S. citizen 18 + years old
Resident of the state were you are voting Legally registered

22 Voter Registration Fill out form Proof of identity
Most states you must register 30 before election Some register up to & on election day

23 Easier Encourage more people to vote 1993 Voter Registration Act
Or….Motor Voter Act Register when you get your drivers license

24 Success!! By 1996…18 million new voters had registered Also
Increase in younger voter registration

25 Voter Turnout? US has one of lowest voter turnouts among the world’s established democracies US = % Europe = 70 + %

26 Why??? Ballots in other countries may be simpler (less offices)
US election is on a workday Voting is voluntary not compulsory

27 Also….. Many states deny convicted felons voting rights while in jail or on parole or probation As many as 1 in 50 adults can be denied

28 Concern? Yes Less connected with communities
Less reason to get involved 2016 = 58.1% = 60.1 % 2012 = 58.6 % = 54.2 % 2008 = 61.6 %

29 Highest 1840 = 80.3 % 1844 = 79.2 % 1848 = 1852 = 69.5 % 1860 = 81.8 % 1864 = 76.3 % 1868 = 80.9 %

30 Lowest 1972 = 56.2 % 1976 = 54.8 % 1980 = 54.2 % 1984 = 55.2 % 1988 = 52.8 % 1992 = 58.1 % 1996 = 51.7 %

31 Check 10.1 & 10.2 The US has an election system in which the _______ ____ __. Suffrage = __________ 17th “A” 24th “A” 26th “A” Was passed in 1965 to equalize voting rights?

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