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Nanofabrication Facilities at TIFR and IIT-B

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1 Nanofabrication Facilities at TIFR and IIT-B
Venu Gopal Achanta Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

2 Outline Various facilities available at TIFR and IIT,B to carry out each process step Some examples briefly Preliminary results related to SiPM SiN deposition for AR coating Poly Silicon resistors Si etching for isolation Summary

3 Nanofabrication Two approaches to nanofabrication
Bottom-up  building walls, brick by brick Top down  chiseling sculptures from stone Challenges in bottom-up Placing nanomaterials where we need Require a cleanroom Yellow light, suits, air shower, sticky mats, HEPA filters, positive pressure, smooth corners

4 Cleanroom Classification
maximum particles/m3 FED STD 209E equivalent >=0.1 µm >=0.2 µm >=0.3 µm >=0.5 µm >=1 µm >=5 µm ISO 1 10 2 ISO 2 100 24 4 ISO 3 1,000 237 102 35 8 Class 1 ISO 4 10,000 2,370 1,020 352 83 Class 10 ISO 5 100,000 23,700 10,200 3,520 832 29 Class 100 ISO 6 1,000,000 237,000 102,000 35,200 8,320 293 Class 1,000 ISO 7 352,000 83,200 2,930 Class 10,000 ISO 8 3,520,000 832,000 29,300 Class 100,000 ISO 9 35,200,000 8,320,000 293,000 Room Air

5 Nanofabrication process steps

6 TIFR class 1000 cleanroom Sputter system Tools for deposition, patterning, pattern transfer and characterizing Mask Aligner RIE CVD EBL ALD

7 Substrate Preparation Tools
Wet bench + Hot plates RCA cleaning – 4 steps Organic clean, Oxide strip ionic cleaning, rinsing and drying 5 parts of deionized water 1 part of aqueous NH4OH (ammonium hydroxide, 29% by weight of NH3) 1 part of aqueous H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide, 30%) at 75 or 80 °C[1] typically for 10 minutes. This base-peroxide mixture removes organic residues. Particles are also very effectively removed, even insoluble particles, since SC-1 modifies the surface and particle zeta potentials and causes them to repel.[4] This treatment results in the formation of a thin silicon dioxide layer (about 10 Angstrom) on the silicon surface, along with a certain degree of metallic contamination (notably Iron) that shall be removed in subsequent steps. Second step (optional): oxide strip[edit] The optional second step (for bare silicon wafers) is a short immersion in a 1:100 or 1:50 solution of HF + H2O at 25 °C for about fifteen seconds, in order to remove the thin oxide layer and some fraction of ionic contaminants. If this step is performed without ultra high purity materials, it can lead to recontamination since the bare silicon surface is very reactive.[2] Third step (SC-2): ionic clean[edit] The third and last step (called SC-2) is performed with a solution of[2] 1 part of aqueous HCl (hydrochloric acid, 39% by weight) at 75 or 80 °C, typically for 10 minutes. This treatment effectively removes the remaining traces of metallic (ionic) contaminants, some of which were introduced in the SC-1 cleaning step.[1] It also leaves a thin passivating layer on the wafer surface, which protects the surface from subsequent contamination (bare exposed silicon is contaminated immediately).[2] Fourth step: rinsing and drying[edit] Provided the RCA clean is performed with high-purity chemicals and clean glassware, it results in a very clean wafer surface while the wafer is still submersed in water. However, if the rinsing and drying steps are not performed correctly then the surface becomes easily recontaminated with organics and particulates floating on the surface of water. A variety of procedures can be used to rinse and dry the wafer effectively.[2]

8 Deposition Tools Spin coater Sputtering system
Thermal & e-beam evaporator ICP-Chemical Vapor Deposition SiO2, Si3N4 Atomic Layer Deposition TiO2, Al2O3, HfO2, Pt Hot wire CVD (IIT) SiN, intrinsic or p-doped poly Si Pulse laser deposition Rapid thermal annealer Boron doped polysilicon

9 Patterning Tools Photolithography Electron beam lithography
~ 2m resolution Electron beam lithography ~ 15nm resolution Holographic interferometry ~50nm resolution

10 Pattern transfer tools
Inductively coupled Reactive Ion Etcher Dielectrics Metals as well Wet bench Chemical etching BCl3, Cl2, Ar, SF6 and O2 (process gases)

11 Mask Maker (IIT) Standard Photolithography requires Masks
Laser Writer with 405nm (GaN) or 325nm (He-Cd) lines 0.7µm resolution 100x100mm or 400x400mm area Chrome or Iron Oxide plated

12 Electrical/Electronic tools
Wire bonder Probe stations Room temperature Low temperature

13 Characterization Tools
Microscopy tools Optical microscope Profilometer Atomic Force Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope Spectroscopy tools Photoluminescence Raman spectrometer X-ray Diffractometer UV-Visible spectrometer Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR)

14 Some related results Results with IIT-TIFR collaboration
Photolithography Electron beam lithography Interference lithography IIT-TIFR collaboration Amorphous Silicon deposition and annealing Fabrication of silicon micro-resistors

15 Nanophotonics : Our Lab
QD Spin-Photon Converter: Phy. Rev. Lett Reflectionless Potential: Opt. Expr 3 µm Plasmonic Quasi Crystal: Sci. Rep VIS-NIR Metamaterial: Dual band DEMUX J. Appl. Phys. Plasmonic Crystal: Nature Comm.

16 THz Spectroscopy: Prof. S. S. Prabhu’s Lab
Novel THz Sources: APL, AIP Adv. THz Metamaterial: Multiband Polarizers Angle Tunable resonances Pressure : 5Pa cw THz Source: J. Appl. Phys. Broadband THz Filter

17 Antireflection coating
Several ways to realize anti-reflection coating Effective layer with refractive index n=sqrt(n1*n2) Multilayer stack like quarter wave stack to destructively cancel the reflections Multilayer stack to have adiabatic change in refractive index from air to substrate Biomimetic designs Patterning substrates Single layer AR coatings are more popular as they are cost effective

18 SiN CVD deposition for AR
SiH4 150sccm + NH3 8.5sccm + Ar 150sccm Chamber Pressure : 5Pa Substrate Temp : 130C ICP Power : 500W Rate : ~25nm/min Thickness of SiN required is ~100nm

19 Poly-silicon film growth with HWCVD
In-situ boron doped poly-si film is deposited using Hot Wire CVD, available at IIT Bombay, Mumbai Film has been optimized with various deposition parameters such substrate temperature, boron doping for desired resistivity Developed films are characterized by X-ray diffraction to check crystalinity Doping profile along the thickness is measured using SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy) Hot-Wire CVD SIMS Results

20 Patterning of the poly-si
Resistors are patterned with optical (U.V) lithography Plasma assisted reactive ion etching used PECVD used for deposition of SiO2 layer for passivation. Total process involves three masks and thus accurate alignment between subsequent lithography steps Masks designed at TIFR and fabricated at IITB Mask aligner ICP- RIE Plasma Etcher Fabricated resistors

21 Contact Annealing and Characterization
A short Rapid Thermal cycle is used to anneal the Aluminum contacts Final sample is characterized using a probe station I-V characteristics of many resistors is recorded (more than 100) Overall 7% variation is seen across the sample Major part of the variation is due to non-uniformity in films Characterization Before Annealing Resistance Distribution After Annealing

22 Trenches in Si Silicon etching with ICP-RIE tried to get the required deep trenches 1-2m deep trenches made with ICP-RIE Filling them with polymer and polishing required. BEL has been approached to test the process steps and for further manufacturing 1.57 µm I will add some AFM/SEM images of trenches made in Si by ICP-RIE

23 Summary Fabrication steps are being tested in-house where possible
Si etching for trenches SiN deposition for AR coatings Masks for lithography Polysilicon resistors Alternate fabrication process that does not involve implantation is being studied Final process is to be transferred to foundry

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