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Weather Weather is the interaction of air, water, and the sun.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Weather is the interaction of air, water, and the sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Weather is the interaction of air, water, and the sun.
Weather includes things like precipitation, which happens when water droplets form around dust particles and fall to earth. If those raindrops pass through freezing air near the ground, they fall as sleet. Weather also includes lightning, formed when positive and electrical charges build- up in clouds. Hailstones are pellets of ice that form inside a cloud.

2 Stratus (strato) clouds are low, layered gray clouds that produce drizzle (light rain).
Cirrus (ciro) clouds are the highest clouds. These are usually high, white, feathers and are associated with fair weather. Alto clouds are mid-level clouds. Cumulus clouds are usually thick and puffy with flat bases. Cumulonimbus clouds are thunderstorms. Clouds

3 Water Vapor Rain, snow, sleet, and hail fall as precipitation.
At higher temperatures, air can hold more water vapor than when the temperature is low. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much the air can hold at that temperature. When the air holds all the water it can, it is saturated. If the air is cooled to the saturation point, condensation happens at the dew point. (like 42 degrees, for example). This can happen even on clear nights because the ground cools to the dew point. This might form a stratus cloud called fog.

4 Air masses and fronts An air mass is a large body of air that has the same properties as the earth’s surface where it develops. For example, an air mass that forms off the SE coast of the USA is warm and moist. A front forms where cold and warm air masses meet. High pressure air usually means good weather because clouds can’t form. These areas are known as anti-cyclones. A stationary front may stay in the same place for several days. Low pressure systems often form along fronts. Violent storms normally form along cold fronts.

5 Storms Hurricanes form over tropical oceans. It is a storm with violent winds. If it forms over the Atlantic, it is called a hurricane. If it forms over the Pacific Ocean, it is called a typhoon. If it forms over the Indian Ocean, it is called a cyclone. A storm with violent winds that forms over land is a tornado. Tornados often form a type of cumulonimbus cloud called a wall cloud.

6 Weather forecasting A meteorologist forecasts the weather.
Weather maps include isotherms; lines that connect points of equal temperature. An isobar connects points with equal atmospheric pressure.

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