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“Once Upon a Time” Vocabulary.

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1 “Once Upon a Time” Vocabulary

2 Check your spelling: Distend Aperture Epicenter Itinerant Suppress
Discourse Audacious Reconcile Aesthetic Façade

3 Your definitions: Because she was pregnant, her stomach began to distend as the baby grew. We entered the cave through a narrow aperture. By continually adding new shops and closing less popular choices, the mall has managed to remain a local epicenter for shopping. The documentary follows the life of an itinerant homeless man who never sleeps in a location more than once. Though I tried to suppress the sneeze, it escaped and scared the daylights out of my students. After our fight, my sister and I had a useful discourse regarding how to avoid future conflict. Many people claim that the most successful people are those who are audacious and not afraid to take risks. Once we were able to reconcile our different tastes, we managed to make meals that pleased us both. After seeing how Ernie decorated his apartment, his friend described his personal aesthetic as Tarzan-in-the-jungle meets rummage-sale chic. Elaine liked the building’s façade, but I thought the combination of pink paint and ornate columns made it terribly tacky.

4 Teacher definitions: Distend – verb – to bulge or expand
Aperture – noun – an opening, hole, or gap. Epicenter – noun – the central point of something Itinerant – adj – traveling from place to place Suppress – verb – forcibly put an end to Discourse – noun – written or spoken communication Audacious – adj – recklessly bold; rebellious (adv. audaciously) Reconcile – verb – 1. cause to coexist in harmony; 2. settle (a disagreement) Aesthetic – noun –a set of principles governing the idea of beauty at a given time and place; a particular individual’s set of ideas about style and taste Façade – noun – 1. the face of a building; 2. an outward appearance concealing a less pleasant reality

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