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The Museum of Science and Industry

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1 The Museum of Science and Industry
26th January 2018

2 The Space and Transport Hall
Fact Box: The ‘Roe Triplane 1’ is made from paper and old bike parts. Rolls and Royce met in Manchester the Rolls Royce registration is AX148. The DOT in the DOT motorcycle stands for devoid of trouble. The Imperial Car was made in 1904.

3 Experiment Lab Fact Box: Liquids have different densities
Light can draw on a photosensitive screen Funnel clouds are created when warm air rises quickly Recycling waste can be upcycled into new products.

4 Textiles Fact Box: Manchester was named Cottonopolis because of its cotton and textile industry. The cotton plant was combed and spun into yarn. The weaving machines made the cotton into cloth. Cloth was exported all around the world using the Manchester canals to get to the ports.

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