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2 There are 5 types of rhythm:
Rhythm is a key design principle that encourages our eyes to move around a room in an organized way. When used well, it brings an underlying unity and sense of variety to our spaces.  There are 5 types of rhythm: -Gradation -Repetition -Opposition -Transition -Radiation

3 REPETITION Rhythm with repetition is based on similar lines, shapes, forms, textures, colors or patterns throughout an interior. This technique gives a room a clear sense of stability and cohesiveness. 

4 GRADATION Any process or change taking place through a series of
stages, by degrees, or in a gradual manner. This is created by the increasing or decreasing one or more qualities

5 Gradation

6 Gradation

7 This type of rhythm is often subtle.
TRANSITION It leads the eye in a gentle, continuous uninterrupted visual flow from one area or object to another. This type of rhythm is often subtle.

8 OPPOSITION The direct placement of objects or colors to create
opposition by abrupt change.

9 RADIATION Occurs when all parts of a composition are balanced and repeated around a center point.





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