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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!


3 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

4 Oedipus Rex Scenes 4-6 Greek Theatre Literary Terms Oedipus Legend Oedipus Rex Scenes 1-3 Sophocles $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 Greek Theatre

6 Literary Terms

7 Sophocles

8 Oedipus Legend

9 Oedipus Rex: Scenes 1-3

10 Oedipus Rex: Scenes 4-6

11 Greek Theatre Literary Terms Oedipus Rex Scenes 1-3 Oedipus Rex Scenes 4-6 Oedipus Legend Sophocles Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

12 $100 The name of the Greek festival of drama which gave thanks to the god of wine and fertility.

13 $100 What is Dionysia? Scores

14 $200 They are a group of singing and dancing men who portray the feelings of the common people as well as summarize the action of the previous scene.

15 $200 Who are the chorus? Scores

16 $300 The location/description of ancient Greek theatres.

17 $300 What is open-air and build into the side of hills? Scores

18 $400 The method by which actors could play multiple parts in a single play.

19 $400 What is they changed their masks? Scores

20 $500 The part of a Greek theatre which allowed actors to enter/exit the stage.

21 $500 What is the parados? Scores

22 $100 A hero’s one weakness or character flaw that will ultimately lead to his/her downfall.

23 $100 What is a tragic flaw? Scores

24 $200 The person/force which opposes the main character.

25 $200 What is antagonist? Scores

26 $300 An act of extreme arrogance.

27 $300 What is hubris? Scores

28 Daily Double

29 $400 Oedipus and Creon are examples of this literary term.

30 $400 What is foil? Scores

31 $500 A plot device in which a previously unsolvable problem is resolved.

32 $500 What is “deus ex machina”? Scores

33 $100 The number of plays Sophocles wrote throughout his lifetime.

34 $100 What is over 100? Scores

35 $200 The year in which Sophocles won the Dionysia festival.

36 $200 What is 468 B.C.? Scores

37 $300 The physical invention Sophocles added to Greek theatres.

38 $300 What is skene (scenery)? Scores

39 $400 The city in which Sophocles lived.

40 $400 What is Athens, Greece? Scores

41 $500 The major change Sophocles made to Greek drama.

42 $500 What is he added a 3rd actor? Scores

43 $100 The city where Oedipus was born.

44 $100 What is Thebes? Scores

45 $200 The people who adopted Oedipus as a baby.

46 $200 Who are King Polybus and Queen Merope (King and queen of Corinth)? Scores

47 $300 The twist of fate that happens to Oedipus on the road to Thebes.

48 $300 What is he kills an old man who turns out to be King Laius (his real father)? Scores

49 $400 The reason the people of Thebes make Oedipus their king.

50 $400 What is he rids them of the Sphinx by solving her riddle? Scores

51 $500 The other name for the people of Thebes.

52 $500 Who are the Cadmeans? Scores

53 $100 The reason the citizens come to see Oedipus in scene 1.

54 $100 What is the plague in the city of Thebes? Scores

55 $200 The plan Oedipus has put into action so far to solve the problem of the plague (scene 1).

56 $200 What is he has sent Creon to speak to Apollo? Scores

57 $300 The reason Oedipus is angry with Tiresias. (scene 2)

58 $300 What is Tiresias refuses to tell Oedipus who the killer of Laius is ? Scores

59 $400 The accusation Oedipus makes about Creon.

60 $400 What is that Creon is plotting to take Oedipus’s throne by spreading lies that he is the Laius’s killer? Scores

61 $500 The reason Oedipus is uncomfortable when Jacosta attempts to make him feel better about the prophecy by telling him that Laius was murdered on the road instead of by their son whom she sent to die on the mountain.

62 $500 What is her description is the exact same scenario as the one he experienced when he killed an old man on the road (makes him realize he might be the killer)? Scores

63 $100 The information that the shepherd from Corinth brings that causes Jacosta distress.

64 $100 What is that Oedipus is not related to Polybus because the shepherd actually rescued him as a baby? Scores

65 $200 The assumption Oedipus makes when Jacost reacts badly to the news that Polybus is not his real father.

66 $200 What is she is judging him because he may have been born poor?

67 $300 The information the eye witness to Laius’s murder gives to Oedipus.

68 $300 What is that Oedipus is the baby he rescued from Queen Jacosta and he is also the Laius’s killer? Scores

69 $400 The reason Oedipus is unwilling to kill himself.

70 $400 What is he does not wish to meet Laius or Jacosta in the underworld? Scores

71 $500 The information that causes both Jacosta and Oedipus to commit hubris in scene 3.

72 $500 What is that Polybus has died? (They incorrectly assume Polybus is Oedipus’s real father and mock the gods for the oracle not being true) Scores

73 Final Jeopardy Question
Fate vs. Free Will Final Jeopardy Question Scores

74 Give an example fate vs. free will from the play
Give an example fate vs. free will from the play. (This is one of the major themes) Next

75 Any example in which Oedipus, Jacosta, or Laius try to avoid their fate (prophecies) and actually cause them to come true. Next


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