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Conflict Prevention.

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1 Conflict Prevention

2 Terms Conflict – struggle between people or groups who have opposing views Mediation – unbiased third party helps settle differences Negotiation – use of compromise to reach an agreement

3 Causes of Conflict Competing interests
Different personalities or preferences Competition over resources Failure to follow team norms Performance deficiencies Poor communication Ambiguity about means and ends

4 Negative Results Time must be spent resolving conflict
Teams may become inefficient Loss of morale Negative emotions arise – anger, frustration, fear, pain People become ill – stress, heart disease, change in sleeping and eating patterns Relationships suffer Violence may occur

5 Preventing Conflict Atmosphere of respect Open lines of communication
Goal-oriented Celebrate diversity Provide adequate training and resources Lead by example Establish norms One person talks at a time Avoid side conversations Start and end meetings on time

6 Preventing Conflict Clarify roles and responsibilities
Critique without rancor Constructive climate Commitment to the team Appropriate leadership

7 Establish Personal Boundaries
Examples: “People may not…” …humiliate me in front of others. …make comments about my weight. “I have the right to ask for…” …privacy. …more information before I make a purchase. “To protect my time and energy, it’s OK to…” …say NO to a volunteer opportunity. …cancel a commitment when I’m not feeling well.

8 Conflict on the Horizon?
Return to goals and common ground What do we have in common? What are our mutual goals? See the positive side of situations Consider their perspective Defuse the situation (change the subject) Avoid irritation Walk away and process your emotions

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