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You can play football well.

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1 You can play football well.
Module 6 Unit 1 You can play football well. Lesson 2

2 Read together.

3 1 8 Listen and judge. 2 7 3 4 5 6

4 Task A: Fill in the blanks.
fan is good at fantastic run fast pass catch very well really team goalkeeper Amy and Sam are in the football ______. Lingling says that she wants to be in the football team. Lingling can’t _________. And she can’t ______ the ball ________.But she ___________basketball, so she can jump _____ high and _______ the ball well. Then Sam says that Lingling can be a good _________. In fact(实际上),Lingling is a _________ goalkeeper. And Amy is her first _______.

5 Picture A Task B: Role play Picture B Picture C
1.Three in a group 2.Act it. Picture C

6 Task C: Make a club poster.
________ Team Do you want to be in our _______ team? Can you______________? Can you______________? Are you good at_______? ... We need you! Join us now! (加入我们吧!)

7 Task D: Do an interview. A:Hello! ______. B: Hi! ______.
A: What team do you want to be in? B: I want to be in the ____team. Because I love ______. I can ________well, and I can _______. A: Ok, join us now! A: Hello! ______. B: Hi! ______. A: Do you like____? Can you_________? B: Yes, I can. I like _____. I can _____ and______ well. I'm good at ______. Look! A: That’s good! Welcome to our _____ team. 1 2 3

8 music team... drawing team dancing team basketball team football team

9 dance well, draw well, sing beautifully, sing many songs, spike(排球扣球), chop(乒乓球削球), smash(乒乓球扣球), drive(拉球), shot(投球), jump high, color (着色) the picture well, run fast, catch the ball well, pass the ball well, shoot(击球,射球), play the piano, play the guitar(吉他), play the drum(鼓), play Erhu(二胡), play bamboo flute(笛子), play clarionet(竖笛) play cucurbit flute(葫芦丝), play the violin(拉小提琴),

10 ... friendship confidence enjoyment

11 Homework 1.Do exercise book.(完成练习册。)
2.Talk about what you can do and what you want to be. (谈论你会做的事情和你想成为的人。)

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