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Nijil Mankuzhiyil INFN Trieste & University of Udine, Italy

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1 BL Lac objects: Laboratories to study the environment and properties of emitting electrons
Nijil Mankuzhiyil INFN Trieste & University of Udine, Italy in collaboration with Stefano Ansoldi, Massimo Persic, Fabrizio Tavecchio

2 SSC Model in BL Lac objects
Double peak structure First peak => Synchrotron emission Second peak => SSC Blob radius, magnetic field, Doppler factor Lorentz factors, slopes, electron density

3 Once upon a time.. Nowadays .. PKS 2155-304 Mrk 501 Costamante (2001)
HESS, Fermi collab. et al. (2009) MAGIC, VERITAS, Fermi collab. et al. (2010)

4 c2 minimized SEDs

5 Application of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Test fails at 5% confidence level Two distinct physical processes, in very far away energy ranges; 2. Different uncertainty pattern on low and high energy data. we applied Kolmogorov-Smirnov test separately at low and high energy data points; in this way the test does never reject normality of the residuals at the 5% confidence level; => suggest improvements to the model and/or the data sets

6 Mrk 421 Mankuzhiyil et al. ApJ, 733, 14 (2011)

7 Mrkn 421 - Fitting parameters

8 Mrk 501 (Mankuzhiyil et al. to be submitted)
Giant April 1997 Flare

9 Mrk 501: electron spectrum
Freshly accelerated electrons Aging electrons

10 Conclusion Statistically meaningful SSC fit
Mkn 421 => interesting correlation/anti-correlation of parameters Mkn 501 => fresh electron injection

11 B – d anticorrelation B – d correlation (KN) Larmor radius

12 Mrk 501 B-d

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