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Put the following events in chronological order

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Presentation on theme: "Put the following events in chronological order"— Presentation transcript:

1 Put the following events in chronological order
1911 Revolution Open Door Policy Taiping Rebellion Opium Banned European powers establish “Spheres of Influence” Boxer Rebellion Treaty of Najing Sino-Japanese War Chinese Republic declared Destruction of British opium in Guangzhou

2 Answers Opium Banned 1796 Destruction of British opium in Guangzhou 1839 Treaty of Nanjing 1842 Taiping Rebellion Sino-Japanese War 1894 European “Spheres of Influence” Open Door Policy 1899 Boxer Rebellion 1899 1911 Revolution Chinese Republic declared 1912


4 Put the following events in chronological order
Korea Annexed Treaty of Kanagawa Tokugawa Rule begins Emperor Meiji takes over Russo-Japanese War

5 Answers Tokugawa Rule (1603-1867) Treaty of Kanagawa 1854
Emperor Meiji ( ) Russo-Japanese War Annexed Korea 1910



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