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It’s Science Project time!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Science Project time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s Science Project time!
Tools to Get Your Students Ready! Training Guide Secondary Science Clayton County Public Schools

2 The Science Fair is in the air!
With proper planning and communication, Science Fair time is not so bad!

3 Science Project Expectations
For each grade level, what are your expectations for your students? Are all students be expected to complete an individual science project? Will you allow group projects? Will all students need to share the same experience with science projects? As a department, you need to decide how each grade level will handle projects. If you consider group projects, how will you handle grade equality. Groups no larger than 3 can still compete in regional fair. How will you deal with parents who want child to do an individual project? Class projects?

4 Where should I start? Plan, Plan, and Plan again!
This should be done before students are given any information! Work with your department and team to determine your course of action. Decide on critical dates – library or Internet research, laptop cart. Be sure to consult with Connections teachers for assistance. Did I say plan? Take a poll – who has already started? Who has not? What are your concerns?

5 Next Steps? Students should begin to hear information about Science Projects as soon as possible. Plan to set some time aside from your daily lessons to formally introduce science projects. Make it a big deal! Be prepared to send home an official parent letter and calendar (samples included). Work with the other content areas who require students to complete projects so that students aren’t overwhelmed with projects that are due at the same time.

6 Full speed ahead! Most students will become really anxious once they get information about the project. Many may already have an idea (sometimes way off base) for what they want to do. This is the best time to review with them the Scientific Method (using a standards-based activity) and even show a short video on choosing a science project. Try not to be too harsh on the student to avoid discouraging them. If they have a true interest in their topic, try to help them find an appropriate project. Have them use Science Buddies Wizard. Concepts about the Scientific Method should have been taught through out the Core Curriculum. Refer to these lessons as you stress the importance of following it during science projects. Require students to submit a Science Project Proposal form. Videos – United Streaming – may also be one in KMS library

7 You are going to do what! Regardless of the grade level or ability level, topics should be approved by you! A list of “off-limit” project should be established based on level and ISEF rules. Have students include a brief description of what they plan to do before you approve. Be sure to explain the difference between a science project and a demonstration or activity. Develop a procedure for quickly reviewing a student’s topic. As they are approved, record the topic and do not allow repeats in class. Use the Project Proposal form. Off- limits include anything that is on the no-no list per ISEF as well as projects that may be too time consuming or inappropriate for grade level or even too general

8 Research Background research is a vital part of a Science Project.
Teachers should walk students through this process. Employ the assistance of your Literacy teachers and your Media Specialist. Be sure to allot sufficient time for research. Agree upon a response to “I don’t have a computer at home”. Most students will not understand the difference between this and a research paper. Have them work on this in parts so that they do not submit pages of information copied from the Internet.

9 Experimentation All experimentation should be done at home unless you have given student permission to work after school. (Refer to ISEF Rules) Require students to submit their Experimental Plan for approval before experimentation phase begins. All students who aspire to participate in regional fair must conduct an experiment and use a Log Book(per ISEF). Very important! Require Log books!

10 Display Boards Students will need to see examples of how a project display board should look. If you do not have a previous student’s project to display, create one that shows the components. Work with your administration to assist students who are financially unable to purchase a display board. Title I funds can be used to purchase boards (Principal’s discretion). Consider recycling old boards. Consider alternate methods to displays projects at the classroom level, i.e- glogster, prezi, etc. You may want to tell students where they can purchase display boards. Work with you Principal early in the year to secure boards and materials using Title funds. Have them get on a payment plan with you – instead of candy, they need to save the money to buy the board!

11 Presentation Day As you teach using the GPS, allow students ample opportunities to speak in front of their peers. Although students may still be nervous, they would have had practice. As students present, consider what your other students are doing. Could they possibly use a rubric to evaluate their peers projects? Make a big deal out of it! Consider using the script (sample given) Create a rubric and use it as a grade for students

12 The School Science Fair
Students whose projects are selected should be notified ASAP. Your Science Fair Coordinator will work closely with you to prepare your selected students for the School Fair. Who are your judges? All of these students should have completed paperwork.

13 Regional and State Fairs
Students should be encouraged to strive to be selected to compete on the Regional and State Level. Consider showing examples of projects that have gone to these fairs. Please refer to information provided

14 Additional Resources

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