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Introduction Jean Poulit President EUROGI GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

2 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
Presentation Describes What EUROGI is What EUROGI does Issues: strategy, co-operation, GINIE GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

3 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
What EUROGI is Members Founded in 1993 on initiative of EC Membership of EUROGI has grown by 50 % to 24 Members National GI associations from EU, accession-countries, EFTA, Pan European organisations Collectively EUROGI represents more than 6500 public and private sector organisations GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

4 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
What EUROGI is Status Independent non governmental organisation Foundation under Dutch law activities serviced by secretariat currently based in Apeldoorn, NL Representing users of broad society members meet at least once a year for briefings on EU and other developments like in industry, to discuss strategy and work plan, approve accounts GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

5 What EUROGI is Status (2)
Members elect President by secret ballot during Annual meeting. This year three candidates, Jean Poulit elected Executive Committee to manage its affairs: Germany, Hungary, France, Italy, Sweden (represents Nordic countries), Poland, Switzerland, UK GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

6 What EUROGI does Mission
EUROGI’s mission is to maximise the effective use of geographic information for the benefit of the citizen, good governance and commerce in Europe represent the views of geographic information community promote, stimulate, encourage and support the development and use of geographic information and technology GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

7 WHAT? Products to promote at European level (1)
1. Core Spatial Data Infrastructure Support - creating and updating: promote interoperability, standardisation and normalisation - disseminating: pricing mechanisms, transparency and more flexibility GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

8 WHAT? Products to promote at European level (2)
2. Promote Added Value Applications Master planning, simulations Navigation and road safety Building and developing ESA and EU programs like GMES and Galileo EUROGI builds up a Case study service GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

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ISSUES: HOW? Three main goals: Harmonisation of initiatives Cooperation with all GI actors in Europe High level lobbying for GI GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

10 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
Co-operation: PEAF PEAF = Pan European Associations forum, participants are Secretary generals Agile, CLGE, Earsc, EuroGeographics, EuroGeosurveys, EUROGI, EuroSDR, UDMS, WPLA EUROGI chairs meetings and holds secretariat Aim is to exchange information and put strengths together See website: click on PEAF GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

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Co-operation: GSDI EUROGI organised GSDI-6 conference in Budapest, September 2002 Past EUROGI President is President of GDSI now EUROGI also involved in setting up GSDI new style and will join as founding member GSDI-7 takes place in Bangalore, India, February 2-6, 2004 See website: GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

12 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
GINIE= GI NETWORK IN EUROPE Partners: University of Sheffield, Project Coordinator EUROGI Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) Open GIS Consortium (Europe), Ltd. (OGC-E) THIS COVERS ALMOST ALL OF OUR OBJECTIVES GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

13 GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg
GINIE Basis: EUROGI consultation paper: towards a GI strategy for Europe, October 2000 Accompanying Measures, IST Programme Funded timeframe: 1st November 2001 to the end 2003 Aim: Develop a cohesive Geographic Information Strategy at the European level Members very much involved in WS and surveys We do this mostly through ws Strategy is about: Policy: general actions by government concerning access, pricing, privacy etc Infrastructure: provision and management of GI assets (material, technology, people to acquire and distribute GI to meet the needs) The objective of GINIE is to establish a fully functioning Advisory Board on Geographic Information (ABGI) Representatives of governments industry research Proposed ABGI mission is: “To provide the strategic vision and leadership necessary to maximize the use of GI by all sectors of society for the purposes of good governance, commerce, research and citizenship”. Consultation almost closed GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

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GINIE GINIE proposes strategy that EUROGI works on and supports EUROGI proposed structural co-operation by way of creating Network with Working and Advisory groups Discussed in PEAF 15 Oct. Final GINIE conference in Brussels, 13/14 Nov. for further discussions GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg

15 Thanks for your attention e-mail:
GISCO meeting 23/24 October 2003, Luxembourg


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