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Arizona State University Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry

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1 Arizona State University Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Effect of Autotrophic Metabolism on Dissolved Organic Carbon in Yellowstone National Park Kathryn Mayer Arizona State University Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry

2 Why Carbon in Hot Springs?
Biodiversity Geochemical variability Extreme environment Microbial metabolism Organic Carbon trends difficult to characterize

3 Metabolism effects the organic carbon of a system
“CH2O” + O2 CO2 + H2O Autotrophy – primary producers, makes organic C Photosynthetic Chemosynthetic Heterotrophy –uses C from autotrophs

4 Project Heterotroph ‘06 Goal: Assess metabolism in 3 different hot spring/outflow systems by measuring amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Hot Spring Chemosynthetic Zone Photosynthetic Zone ~73ºC HS: Filtered Hot Spring Water + Zone Water DI: Deionized Water + Zone Water UC: Filtered Hot Spring Water

5 Hot Spring Chemosynthetic Zone Photosynthetic Zone ~73ºC

6 Conceptual Model Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis UC Control Heterotrophy
DI Control

7 Methods Use TOC-V Analyzer to measure amount of DOC NDIR Detector
“CH2O” CO2 680ºC


9 Results… Not what we expected!

10 We should have called this Project Autotroph NOT Heterotroph
Increases in DOC concentrations Autotrophy C production in Dark and Light bottles Photosynthesis & Chemosynthesis Genomic studies tell us there are autotrophs & heterotrophs present. This experiment does not show heterotrophy.

11 Future Work Study organic compound compositional changes with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) Experiment being planned for Summer ‘08 Thank you… Dr. Hilairy Hartnett & Katie Alexander Women & Philanthropy

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