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Playback Theatre “Here and Now” the theatre of your story

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1 Playback Theatre “Here and Now” the theatre of your story

2 About Playback Theatre
improvisational theatre it plays back personal stories from the audience everything is spontaneous (the stories, the music and the enactment) It’s created in 1975г. in USA by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas. 42 years later with International Playback Theatre Network it’s spread all over the world. It’s used successfully not only for it’s art qualities, but for its huge social meaning. It has strong ethics- integrity, tolerance, understanding and positive personal and social change trough art. People can gain insight, catharsis, connection, and self-expression through telling their stories and participating in enacting stories of others.

3 Conductor – communication with audience, the connection between actors and audience
Musician- with lots of musical instruments he creates special music for every single scene. Actors- between 4 and 6, trained in creativity and spontaneous theatre. They listen in a specific way and recognize the important things in the story. They use their imagination and create theatre few seconds after they here the story. Properties and stage set- the only thing we use is cloths in different colors and some chairs Continuance- an hour and a half for every performance Space – it’s easy to adapt almost in every space Realization

4 Playback Theatre “Here and Now”
It’s established in 2013 by Tzveta Baliyska- actress, teacher and psycho dramatists. Until now the company has over 100 performances in different spaces for various audience In addition to our monthly performances we are often invited to different festivals and conferences The only Bulgarian member of International Playback Theatre Network. Tzveta Baliyska is the first Bulgarian to attend European Playback Gathering in Amsterdam, November 2014 Tzveta Baliyska is the only Bulgarian trained by the founder Jonathan Fox

5 Beyond borders and out of comfort zone
Playback gives opportunity to see ourselves and others from different point of view, to change the way we see life and to understand it better. It has social meaning because it unites communities and helps people connect trough theatre and music. In our company we believe magic can be part of everyday life if we allow ourselves to leave the comfort zone. Every playback performance is a little piece of magic. «The need of telling and listening to stories is deeply needed for Homo sapience- after subsistence but before love and roof. Millions are survived without love and home, but no one- in silence .» Reynolds Price

6 Playback Theatre “Here and Now”- video and membership page
To see our membership page choose Bulgaria from “group members” menu:

7 A Playback performance cannot be easily described it can only be experienced because it’s unique and every participant experience it differently. You are very welcome to visit our next performances 29 April 2014, 27 May 2014, 24 June ,30h where: art place +tova, street: Marin Drinov 30 link to map: More information: Facebook: Playback Theatre “Here and Now” phone:

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