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How LRT affect Kayseri Feyzullah GUNDOGDU Kayseri Light Rail System Fixed Installation Manager

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Presentation on theme: "How LRT affect Kayseri Feyzullah GUNDOGDU Kayseri Light Rail System Fixed Installation Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 How LRT affect Kayseri Feyzullah GUNDOGDU Kayseri Light Rail System Fixed Installation Manager e-mail:

2 INDEX Kayseri Kayseri Light Rail System Actions Taken Impacts on City

3 Info about Kayseri 6000 years in history Populations: 1,300,000 Increase rate ~ 9 % ( 2007-2012 ) Surface Area 17.000 km2 Over 1,000 produciton center Over 100,000 Employment 4 University, 30,000 University student 8 industrial zone Biggest Free zone of Turkey 5 billion $ output 1,2 billion $ exports More than 5,000 production

4 Transport Transport one of the major problem of cities, Planning Transportation takes long time and never ends, Affects characteristic of the city,

5 Milestones 1999 Transportation planing and LRT feasibility project tendered, 2001 Transportation study approved by ministry of transport, 2004 LRT project tendered, 2006 Construction Started, 2009 Kayseri LRT started operations, 2011 Phase II and III tendered,

6 Results of Study

7 LRT line

8 Characteristics of The Kayseray Kayseray Characteristics Rail Route Length: 17,39 km Depot Track Length: 4,200 m Number of Vehicles:38 Number of Stations: 28 Distance btw. Stations: 400-800m Min. Headway: 4 min. Trip Time: 42,0 min Station Length: 65 m Construction Works: 1095 day Vehicle Capacity : 276 p

9 Actions taken with LRT Replacing diesel mini bus with 12 m CNG Bus. There was 400 minibus, 200 CNC BUS put into service.

10 Actions taken with LRT Bike sharing system established. %15 of bike users also uses mass transit, 5,500 users, 1.500 times bike used in a day.


12 Actions taken with LRT Entegration with Bus lines. Parallel Bus lines organized in a way that they feeds LRT.

13 Actions taken with LRT Integrated Fare collection system established. Single ticket uses for all transport modes, bus, lrt, bike and for turism.

14 Actions taken with LRT Extentios planned.

15 Actions taken with LRT Green track system implemented. In the line we have 116.000 m2 green grass 10,000 tree, beside the track 200,000 small plants

16 Impacts Increased passengers in the public transport 30 % of our passengers have possibility to travel with their own car BUT they prefer Public Transport,

17 Impacts Land usage increased along the rail corridor, New residental areas, 3 shopping centre opened,

18 Impacts New statidum costructed along railway corridor, Land of Former sold and finance used for projects.

19 Impacts New coach stations constructed along rail corridor. Land of old one sold and finance used for projects.

20 Impacts Property value are increased by 30 percent along rail corridor,

21 Impacts Environmentally firiendly CNG bus help us to save 25 percent CO2 emissions.

22 Impacts Economical Effect: 15 mio Euro recorded and taxed. Formerly driver were collecting many.

23 Impacts Fare Collection Ticketing operations tendered to private company Saving 2 mio Euro per year.

24 Impacts Anadolu Amusement Center: 40.000 visitor during weekend

25 Air Pollution It is well known that 1,5m2 green grass produces oxigen needs for one human in one day. This means that in total green grass of Kayseri Light Rail System produces oxigen of the 68,000 human in one day. Impacts

26 Addition to this: 1 m2 green grass equal to 100 m2 leaf area. This means that depending on wind 0,2-2kg/m2 dust can be absorbed by green grass. These two parameters shows the positive effect of green track on environment. Impacts

27 Effect on Passengers Nature plays two passive role in the comfort of the peoples. One: feeling and watching the nature, Others: knowing the exixstence of the nature even not seen by them. Impacts

28 Extentions

29 Thank You Very Much

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