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3 Today


5 Cell Cycle 90% of the cell cycle is in interphase, other 10% is mitosis (cellular division) Interphase composed of 3 phases: G1, S, and G2 G1 (Gap 1) phase: cellular growth and protein synthesis, in preparation for the S phase S (Synthesis) phase: DNA synthesis/replication of each chromosome in the cell, forms sister chromatids. G2 (Gap 2) phase: cellular growth as well as protein & lipid synthesis, in preparation for mitosis Ex. Synthesis of proteins used to form mitotic spindle


7 Mitosis Cellular division of a cell Makes exact copy of mother cell
Produces 2 identical daughter cells Each product has same # of chromosomes Purpose of mitosis? To form a multicellular organism from a zygote To replace dead or lost cells, such as skin and red blood cells

8 Phases of Mitosis: (PMAT) + cytokinesis
Prophase: chromosomes become visible, begin to condense Prometaphase: nuclear envelope disappears and chromosomes attach to mitotic spindle Metaphase: chromosomes line up at metaphase plate/equatorial plane Anaphase: sister chromatids separate by kinetochores Telophase: two daughter nuclei reform at the 2 poles Cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) occurs simultaneously


10 Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

11 Mitosis in plant cells differ from mitosis in animal cells
Plant cells do not form centrioles during mitosis Plant cell walls are too rigid to form cleavage furrow Forms cell plate instead

12 Telophase/cytokinesis in a plant cell
cell plate

13 Telophase/cytokinesis in an animal cell
cleavage furrow


15 Some terms Gene: portion of DNA that encodes RNA and protein; determines your characteristics—freckles, height, eye color… Chromosomes: contain DNA and protein; compact way of carrying all genetic info Sister chromatids: copies of chromosomes joined together


17 Extra Credit Activity Mitosis through edible modeling
-All stages of mitosis need to be represented (PMAT+cytokinesis) -Each stage should have a notecard identifying the stage and labeling what is happening. After presentation to the class (and possible photograph) of project, it may be disposed of as you see fit.


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