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Dataset Explorer Training

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1 Dataset Explorer Training

2 Introduction “Accounts VSAM and non-VSAM datasets accesses into historical views”

3 Data Source Record Description SMF 14 Non-VSAM close for INPUT SMF 15
Non-VSAM close for OUTPUT SMF 42.6 VSAM and Non-VSAM dataset statistics for SMS files on DASD SMF 61 Dataset Cataloged (DEFINE) SMF 64 VSAM component close SMF 65 Dataset uncataloged (DELETE) SMF 66 Dataset renamed (ALTER) DCOLLECT “D” VSAM and Non-VSAM dataset characteristics on DASD

4 Historical views Target Table name Description NVSAM History dsHist
Non-VSAM usage: EXCP´s, # of closes, job, program Tape Usage tapeUsage Tape dataset details: volser, file-seq Dataset Sizes dsSize DASD Non-VSAM datasets: volser, # of extents, tracks, last reference, creation date VSAM History vsHist VSAM usage: inserts, delete, CA-splits, RLS counters, job, sid Inventory History invHist VSAM and Non-VSAM DCOLLECT information: storage group, size, volser SMS History smsHist DASD dataset performance per interval: response time, cache hits Catalog History catHist Dataset catalog operations: rename, delete, catalog

5 Inventory - DCOLLECT “D”
DCOLLECT “D” records: storage groups VSAM and non-VSAM datasets

6 Inventory – SMF 14/15 Fields Dsname Volser Vol sequence DSORG RECFM SMS Mngt class SMS Data class SMS Storage class Device number Creation date Expiration date You can get similar results from SMF 14 and 15 that you normally collect: non-VSAM only

7 Application Inventory
Group by dataset creation date

8 SMS History Dataset Response times: VSAM and Non-VSAM (SMF 42.6)
including DB2 components: DB name, table and indexes spaces Records on interval basis (same as SMF 30) Fields Dsname SID Volser Jobname Username Storage class WLM class WLM Workload Device number

9 Tape Usage Track your tapes

10 VSAM Usage VSAM usage grouped by application code (DSNAME substring)

11 Catalog operations Who delete the dataset?
What’s happened with the dataset?

12 Non-VSAM view Non-VSAM view: Dataset usage history;
Storage class usage; Which jobs access certain datasets; What datasets the job accessed? Dsname UCB type SID DSORG Racf username SMS management class Job name SMS data class Program name SMS storage class Step name Volumes

13 Non-VSAM flags Non-VSAM flags: Helps a lot; Who create this dataset?
The tape dataset that are accessed as input (read) Tape PDSE Input Dasd Cataloged Output Temporary Hiper New VIO Isam Old GDG Delete Mod PDS member Rlse Shr

14 VSAM view VSAM views: VSAM usage history;
Which jobs access certain datasets; What datasets the job accessed? Mostly used VSAM; Datasets doing a lot of splits SID Cluster Name Jobname Situation indicator Dsname Component type

15 VSAM counters Counters: Use count (opens) EXCP’s Level increments
Hiperbatch SIO’s Extent increments Hiperbatch HIT’s Deletes Hiperbatch wait’s Inserts Physical I/O’s Updates CF local Retrieves CF xcf CI splits CF dasd CA splits

16 VSAM flags Flags: Flags Description Close Normal close Catalog
ICF catalog Abend In Abend processing Data Data component Empty Set to empty state

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